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Education Laws and Regulations

Summary of Arbitration Awards

Issued Pursuant to General Laws Chapter 71 And Related Judicial Decisions

  1. Introduction
  2. Description of Awards
    1. Teacher Dismissals Pursuant to Section 42
    2. Supervisor Dismissals or Demotions Pursuant to Section 41
    3. Employee Suspensions Pursuant to Sections 42D and 42
    4. Teacher Lay-offs Pursuant to Section 42
    5. Procedural and Arbitrability Issues
  3. Judicial Decisions

1Awards that focused on issues of arbitrability or procedures are repeated here.

2 The teacher's initials are provided when more than one award has been issued concerning the same school district, but each award involves a different teacher.

3 A court has reviewed the arbitration awards marked with an asterisk. The subsequent judicial decision is described in Section III.

4 The teacher's initials are provided when more than one award has been issued concerning the same school district, but each award involves a different teacher.

5 A court has reviewed arbitration awards that are marked with an asterisk. The subsequent judicial decision is described in Section III.

6 The teacher's initials are provided when more than one award has been issued concerning the same school district, but each award involves a different teacher.

7 "I" denotes that this is the first of several decisions concerning the same teacher.

8 "II" denotes that this is the second decision concerning the same teacher.

9 These awards have been discussed above, but are repeated here because they contain significant rulings on arbitrability or procedures.

10 The teacher's initials are provided when more than one award has been issued concerning the same school district, but each award involves a different teacher.

Last Updated: March 7, 2019

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