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Education Laws and Regulations

603 CMR 47.00

Licensure of Adult Basic Education Teachers and Preparation Program Approval


  • 47.01: Purpose and Authority
  • 47.02: Definitions
  • 47.03: Adult Basic Education Teacher Preparation Program Approval
  • 47.04: Adult Basic Education Panel Review for Licensure
  • 47.05: Types of Licenses, Requirements for Licensure, and Requirements for Field-Based Experience
  • 47.06: Routes to Professional Licensure of Adult Basic Education Teachers
  • 47.07: Subject Matter Knowledge Requirements for Adult Basic Education Teachers
  • 47.08: Professional Standards for Adult Basic Education Teachers
  • 47.09: Standards for Orientation of Adult Basic Education Teachers
  • 47.10: Licensure Renewal and Professional Development for Adult Basic Education Teachers
  • 47.11: General Provisions
  • View All Sections

Adopted by the Board of Education April 24, 2001, effective October 1, 2001
Most Recently Amended by the Board of Education June 22, 2004

47.08: Professional Standards for Adult Basic Education Teachers

(1) Application. The Professional Standards for Teachers define the pedagogical and other professional knowledge and skills required of ABE teachers. These Standards are used by ABE teacher preparation providers in preparing their candidates, by the Department in reviewing programs seeking state approval, and by the Department as the basis for evaluating applicants' proficiency. Candidates shall demonstrate that they meet the Standards required by the appropriate route to licensure (603 CMR 47.06) and in so doing shall participate in a performance assessment that includes a demonstration of teaching, either in a field-based experience (603 CMR 47.05) or for the ABE Panel Review for Licensure (603 CMR 47.04).

(2) Professional Standards.

  1. (a) Understanding the Adult Learner

    1. Incorporates theories of and research in adult development in designing effective instruction appropriate to the learning environment (e.g., in the classroom, workplace, homeless shelter).
    2. Incorporates theories of and research in adult learning and in learning disabilities in designing effective instruction appropriate to the learning environment.
    3. Uses knowledge of the factors that influence adult learners' participation and persistence in adult basic education programs to increase learner success.

  2. (b) Diversity and Equity

    1. Interacts equitably and responsibly with all learners.
    2. Provides learners with strategies and tools to collaborate with other learners, co-workers, and community members.
    3. Draws on the range of interests, needs, and approaches of learners in planning instruction.
    4. Promotes learner understanding of American civic culture, its underlying ideals, political principles, institutions, procedures, and processes in the design of curriculum.
    5. Uses, in appropriate contexts, instructional materials conveying a range of contributions of various immigrant and native groups have made to American society.

  3. (c) Instructional Design and Teaching Approaches

    1. Draws on the history, structure, purpose, and critical issues of adult basic education in planning instruction.
    2. Uses needs analyses in the design of instruction.
    3. Designs curriculum relevant to the experiences, interests, and goals of learners, the particular instructional setting, and the Department's adult basic education curriculum frameworks.
    4. Integrates appropriate use of technologies into the adult education teaching and learning process.
    5. Sets forth the learning objectives, instructional methods, and their rationale in the design of instruction and makes them available to colleagues and learners.
    6. Uses a variety of instructional methods, techniques, and tools that facilitate adult learning.
    7. Uses strategies that are effective for learners to develop and use critical thinking and to solve complex problems.

  4. (d) Learner Assessment and Evaluation

    1. Creates and uses formal and informal assessments for the purpose of placing learners at the appropriate instructional level.
    2. Creates and uses formative and summative assessments to evaluate learner progress.
    3. Confers with colleagues, supervisors, and community resources when special assessments are required.
    4. Evaluates the effectiveness of instruction and modifies it based upon results and student feedback.
    5. Uses data collection systems for program improvement.

  5. (e) Facilitating the Adult Learning Environment

    1. Communicates effectively and appropriately with learners.
    2. Creates an environment conducive to adult learning.
    3. Promotes learner involvement in community and societal issues.
    4. Refers adult learners with challenging life issues to the appropriate resources.
    5. Uses resources available to learners to develop employment readiness skills.
    6. Collaborates effectively with learners, colleagues, and relevant members of various educational settings (e.g., family literacy, corrections, or workplace education) and the community at large.
    7. Incorporates the principles of lifelong learning (e.g., modeling self-application methods) to prepare learners for continued education and training outside the classroom.

  6. (f) Professionalism/Continuing Education

    1. Reflects critically on the experiences of self and others, such as learners, colleagues, and supervisors.
    2. Develops goals for an individual professional development plan.

Regulatory Authority:
603 CMR 47.00: M.G.L. c.69, § 1H.

For an official copy of these regulations, please contact the State House Bookstore, at 617-727-2834 or visit Massachusetts State Bookstore.

Last Updated: November 24, 2004

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