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Education Laws and Regulations

603 CMR 27.00:

Student Learning Time


  • 27.01: Scope and Purpose
  • 27.02: Definitions
  • 27.03: School Year Requirements
  • 27.04: Structured Learning Time Requirements
  • 27.05: Early Release of High School Seniors
  • 27.06: Waivers or Modifications
  • 27.07: Implementation
  • 27.08: Health and Safety Standards during a State of Emergency or Other Exigent Circumstances
  • View All Sections

Most Recently Amended by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education: May 25, 2021

27.07: Implementation

(1) The requirements set forth in 603 CMR 27.00, as amended, shall be effective July 1, 1995, and shall govern the operation of all public schools within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts beginning with the 1995 – 1996 school year, with the exception of the structured learning time requirements set out in 603 CMR 27.04, which shall be effective July 1, 1997.

(2) During the 1995 – 1996 and 1996 – 1997 school years, schools and school districts are urged to meet the structured learning time requirements set out in 603 CMR 27.04 to the extent feasible. However, the following minimum learning time requirements, rather than those set out in 603 CMR 27.04(1) and (2), shall apply during the 1995 – 1996 and 1996 – 1997 school years:

  1. (a) Elementary schools shall offer to all enrolled students a minimum of 900 hours per school year of learning time. Structured learning time, as defined in 603 CMR 27.02 shall be the focus of that time, but time spent delivering school services other than those listed below and offering optional school programs may also be counted toward meeting the minimum learning time requirement. Time scheduled for school breakfast and lunch, passing between classes, homeroom, and recess will not count toward meeting the minimum learning time requirement.

  2. (b) Secondary schools shall offer to all enrolled students a minimum of 990 hours per school year of learning time. Structured learning time, as defined in 603 CMR 27.02 shall be the focus of that time, but time spent delivering school services other than those listed below and offering optional school programs may also be counted toward meeting the minimum learning time requirement. Time scheduled for school breakfast and lunch, passing between classes, homeroom, and recess will not count toward meeting the minimum learning time requirement.

(3) In preparation for the 1995 – 1996 school year, each school council shall submit to the district school committee, as part of its school improvement plan, any recommended scheduling changes or changes in school practices or structure that will be needed to ensure that their school will be in compliance with the learning time requirements set out in 603 CMR 27.07(2) and school year requirements set out in 603 CMR 27.03.

(4) During the 1995 – 1996 school year, each school council shall submit to the district school committee, as part of its school improvement plan, recommended actions to be taken to ensure that, no later than September 1997, each student within the school will be scheduled to receive at least the minimum required hours per year of structured learning time required under 603 CMR 27.00, and the school will comply with all other requirements set forth in 603 CMR 27.00.

(5) No later than June 30, 1996, every school district shall submit to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, for review and approval, a Learning Time Implementation Plan which describes changes that are being undertaken at the school and district level to ensure that, on or before September 1997, every student in every school within the district is scheduled to receive at least the minimum amount of structured learning time per school year specified in 603 CMR 27.04, and the district's schools will comply with all other requirements set forth in 603 CMR 27.04. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education shall issue guidelines regarding the issues to be addressed in school district-wide Learning Time Implementation Plans.

Regulatory Authority:
603 CMR 27.00: M.G.L. c. 69, s.1G; M.G.L. c. 69, s. 1B.

For an official copy of these regulations, please contact the State House Bookstore, at 617-727-2834 or visit Massachusetts State Bookstore .

Last Updated: November 14, 2022

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