High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing Program

HSE College Ready

The GED® College Ready (CR) and GED® College Ready + Credit (CR+) score levels were created to help move students more quickly into and through college certificate and degree programs. Based on recommendations from the ACE Credit® program — the same program that backs CLEP and Advanced Placement (AP) — students scoring at these levels have demonstrated readiness to enter credit-bearing classes.

GED Students who score 165–174 (on any test subject) should qualify for waivers from developmental education course and from applicable placement testing. These scores are equivalent to the top 9–27% of the national average of graduating high school seniors.

ETS recommends scores of 15–20 on the HiSET® Exam have demonstrated student readiness to enter credit-bearing classes, should qualify students for waivers from developmental education course and from applicable placement testing. A recent ETS study demonstrated that High School students with a GPA of less than 2.7 were not likely to pass this exam.

Massachusetts Community Colleges that have adopted HSE College Ready Are:

  • Berkshire Community College
    1350 West Street
    Pittsfield, MA 02101
    (413) 499-4660 (GED® and HiSET®)

  • Bristol Community College
    777 Elsbree Street
    Fall River, MA 02720
    (774) 357-2811 (GED® and HiSET®)

  • Bunker Hill Community College
    250 New Rutheford Avenue
    Charlestown, MA 02129
    (617) 228-2000 (GED® and HiSET®)

  • Greenfield Community College
    One College Drive
    Greenfield, MA 01301
    (413) 775-1000 (GED® and HiSET® (English Only for HiSET®))

  • Holyoke Community College
    303 Homestead Avenue
    Holyoke, MA 01040
    (413) 552-2292 (GED® Math Only)

  • Middlesex Community College
    88 Middle Street
    Lowell, MA 01852
    (GED® and HiSET®)

  • Mt. Wachusett Community College
    444 Green Street
    Gardner, MA 01440
    (978) 630-9173 (GED®)

  • North Shore Community College
    300 Broad St
    Lynn, MA 01901
    (978) 739-5423 (GED®)

  • Northern Essex Community College
    100 Elliot Street
    Haverhill, MA 01830
    (978) 556-3872 (GED® and HiSET®)

  • Quinsigamond Community College
    670 West Boylston Street
    Worcester, MA 01606
    (508) 854-4407 (GED® and HiSET® English Only)

  • Roxbury Community College
    1234 Columbus Ave
    Roxbury, MA 02120
    (617) 427-0060 (GED® and HiSET®)

  • Springfield Tech. Comm. College
    One Armory Square, Bldg. 19
    Springfield, MA 01105
    (413) 755-4507 (GED® and HiSET®)

Last Updated: January 31, 2023