Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Logo
Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

Federal Award Information

The Office of Management and Budget requires all pass through entities to provide additional information to subrecipients regarding their federal awards.

Please call Grants Management at 781-338-6595 with any questions regarding the Federal Award/Budget.

Account NumberSource of FundingFund Code ▲Program Name
7043-2001 Federal 0140 FY24 Title II, Part A: Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Leading
7043-4004 Federal 0151 FY24 Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into Academic Learning
7043-3001 Federal 0180 FY24 Title III: English Language Acquisition and Academic Achievement Program for English Learners and Immigrant Children and Youth
7043-3001 Federal 0186 FY24 Title III, Part A: Immigrant Children and Youth
7060-1000 Federal 0206 FY24 Investigating History Expansion Grant
1599-2055 (ANF) Federal 0209 FY24 Improving Ventilation and Air Quality in Public School Buildings Grant
7043-4005 Federal 0212 FY24 Emergency Management Planning Grant
Federal 0213 FY24 Implementing Strategies to Reduce or Eliminate the Use of Time-Out Rooms Federal Competitive Special Education Program Grant
7043-7001 Federal 0240 FY24 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Federal Special Education Entitlement Grant
Federal 0251 FY24 Diversifying the Educator Workforce
7043-7002 Federal 0262 FY24 Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Program Federal Entitlement Grant
7043-7001 Federal 0274 FY24 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B (IDEA) Federal Targeted Special Education Program Improvement Grant
7043-1001 Federal 0305 FY24 Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local School Districts
7043-1005 Federal 0306 FY24 Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 for State Correctional Education Agencies
7043-4004 Federal 0309 FY24 Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant
7043-1001 Federal 0320 FY24 MassGrad Promising Practices
7060-1000 Federal 0339 FY24 Strengthening Family-School Partnership Grant
7043-8001 Federal 0400 FY24 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Secondary Allocation Grant
7043-8001 Federal 0401 FY24 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Postsecondary Allocation Grant
7043-8001 Federal 0422 FY24 Perkins Program Improvement & Equipment Grant
7043-8001 Federal 0427 FY24 CTE Equitable Access Grant
7060-1000 Federal 0435 FY24 High School Senior Internship in Education Project (HSSIEP)
7043-8001 Federal 0452 FY24 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Continuation Grant
7043-8001 Federal 0453 FY24 CTE Secondary Programs — Perkins Reserve
7043-8001 Federal 0459 FY24 CTE Postsecondary Programs — Perkins Reserve
7043-4002 Federal 0646 FY24 Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers — Exemplary Programs Grant
7043-4002 Federal 0647 FY24 Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) — Supporting Additional Learning Time Grant (SALT) — for new sites
7060-1000 Federal 105 FY23 Deeper Learning Implementation Grant
7060-1000 Federal 105 FY24 Deeper Learning Implementation Grant
7043-8001 Federal 112 FY23 CTE Equitable Access Grant
7060-1000 Federal 113 FY23 Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief
7060-1000 Federal 115 FY23 ESSER II
7060-1000 Federal 115 FY24 Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act: Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Relief (ESSER II) Funds
7060-1000 Federal 119 FY23 ESSER III
7060-1000 Federal 119 FY24 American Rescue Plan Act: Elementary and Secondary Education Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Funds
7060-1000 Federal 121 FY23 Summer Acceleration Academies Grant
7060-1000 Federal 121 FY24 Summer Acceleration Academies Grant
7060-1000 Federal 124 FY24 Building Capacity for High-Quality Instruction through EdTech
7060-1001 Federal 124 FY23 Building Capacity for High-Quality Instruction through EdTech
7060-1000 Federal 125 FY23 Math Acceleration Academies Grant
7060-1000 Federal 125 FY24 Math Acceleration Academies
7060-1000 Federal 125 FY23 Math Acceleration Academies Grant
7043-4004 Federal 139 FY23 Project Contemporary Competitiveness (PCC) Advanced Studies Summer Program
7043-2001 Federal 140 FY23 Title II, Part A: Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Leading
7060-1000 Federal 149 FY23 Support to Schools and Districts in the Strategic Transformation Region
7043-4004 Federal 151 FY23 Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into Academic Learning
7060-1000 Federal 160 FY24 Early College Incubator Grant
7060-1000 Federal 160 FY23 Early College Incubator Planning Grant
7060-1000 Federal 161 FY24 Evaluate and Select HQIM Network Support
7060-1000 Federal 161 FY23 Evaluate and Select HQIM Network Support
7060-1000 Federal 164 FY23 Expanding High-Quality Instructional Mathematics Materials
7060-1000 Federal 164 FY24 Expanding High-Quality Instructional Mathematics Materials
7060-1000 Federal 165 FY24 High Quality Instructional Materials Purchase Grant
7060-1000 Federal 175 FY24 Early College Expansion Grant
7060-1000 Federal 175 FY23 Early College Full School and Expansion
7043-3001 Federal 180 FY23 Title III: English Language Acquisition and Academic Achievement Program for English Learners and Immigrant Children and Youth
7060-1000 Federal 185 FY23 High Quality Instructional Materials Implementation Grant
7060-1000 Federal 185 FY24 High-Quality Instructional Materials Implementation Continuation
7043-3001 Federal 186 FY23 Title III, Part A: Immigrant Children and Youth
7060-1000 Federal 200 FY23 PBL PD for Randolph Public Schools
7060-1000 Federal 202 FY24 Vacation Acceleration Academies
7060-1000 Federal 203 FY23 Appleseeds Implementation Grant
7043-1001 Federal 205 FY24 ESL Certification Support Grant
7060-1000 Federal 208 FY24 Appleseeds Implementation Grant
1599-2055 (ANF) Federal 209 FY23 Improving Ventilation and Air Quality in Public School Buildings Grant
7043-7001 Federal 240 FY23 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Federal Special Education Entitlement Grant
7043-7001 Federal 244 FY24 Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (21st CCLC)
7043-7001 Federal 244 FY23 Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (21st CCLC)
7043-7001 Federal 245 FY23 Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers Enhanced Programs for Students on IEPs
7060-1000 Federal 255 FY24 Teacher Diversification Pilot Program Part 2
7043-7002 Federal 262 FY23 Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Program Federal Entitlement Grant
7038-0107 Federal 285 FY23 Adult Education Services Continuation Grant
7038-0107 Federal 285 FY23 FY24 Adult Education in Correctional Institutions Program Services
7038-0107 Federal 285 FY24 Adult Education in Correctional Institutions Program Services
7043-1001 Federal 305 FY23 Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local School Districts.
7043-1005 Federal 306 FY23 Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 for State Correctional Education Agencies
7043-4004 Federal 309 FY23 Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grant
7043-6501 Federal 310 FY24 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Grant
7043-6501 Federal 310 FY23 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Grant
7043-1001 Federal 320 FY23 MassGrad Promising Practices
7060-1000 Federal 322 FY23 Acceleration Academies Grant
7043-1001 Federal 322 FY24 FY24 Acceleration Academies Grant
7043-1001 Federal 323 FY24 Support to Schools and Districts in the Strategic Transformation Region
7043-1001 Federal 323 FY23 Support to Schools and Districts in the Strategic Transformation Region
7060-1000 Federal 324 FY23 MassGrad Promising Practices
7043-1001 Federal 325 FY23 Targeted Assistance Grant (TAG)
7043-1001 Federal 325 FY24 Targeted Assistance Grant (TAG)
7060-1000 Federal 332 FY24 Supporting Students' Social Emotional Learning, Behavioral & Mental Health, and Wellness — Continuation (SEL & Mental Health Grant)
7060-1000 Federal 332 FY23 Supporting Students' Social Emotional Learning, Behavioral & Mental Health, and Wellness — Continuation (SEL & Mental Health Grant)
7038-0107 Federal 340 FY24 Adult Education and Family Literacy Services
7038-0107 Federal 340 FY23 Adult Education Services Continuation Grant
7060-6502 Federal 344 FY23 Homeless Emergency Support
7060-6502 Federal 344 FY24 Homeless Emergency Support
7060-1000 Federal 347 FY23 Playful Learning Institute Competitive Grant Program
7060-1000 Federal 347 FY24 Playful Learning Institute Grant Program
7038-0107 Federal 349 FY24 Adult Education and Family Literacy Services
7060-1000 Federal 349 FY24 Homeless Emergency Support
7038-0107 Federal 359 FY23 MassSTEP ABE and ESOL
7038-0107 Federal 359 FY23 Adult Education Services Continuation Grant
7038-0107 Federal 359 FY23 MassSTEP ABE and MassSTEP ESOL Planning and Implementation
7038-0107 Federal 359 FY24 MassSTEP ABE and MassSTEP ESOL
7043-8001 Federal 400 FY23 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Secondary Allocation Grant
7043-8001 Federal 401 FY23 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Postsecondary Allocation Grant
7060-1000 Federal 409 FY23 Afterschool and Out-of-School Time Rebound (ASOST-R) Subgrants — Continuation
7060-1000 Federal 409 /410 FY24 Afterschool and Out-of-School Time Rebound (ASOST-R) Subgrants
7060-1000 Federal 410 FY23 Afterschool and Out-of-School Time Rebound (ASOST-R) Subgrants — Continuation
7043-8001 Federal 414 FY23 Career and Technical Education Student Organizations
7043-8001 Federal 422 FY23 Perkins Program Improvement & Equipment Grant
7043-8001 Federal 427 FY23 CTE Equitable Access Grant
7009-2020 (EOE) Federal 430 FY23 Matching Grant for Community-Based Summer Learning in Boston
7009-2020 (EOE) Federal 430 FY23 Matching Grant for Community-Based Summer Learning in Boston
7060-1000 Federal 435 FY23 HSSIEP: High School Senior Internship in Education Project
7060-1000 Federal 440 FY24 Rethinking Grading Pilot Year 2
7060-1000 Federal 440 FY23 Rethinking Grading Pilot
7043-8001 Federal 452 FY23 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Competitive Grant
7043-8001 Federal 452 FY23 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Continuation Grant
7043-8001 Federal 453 FY23 CTE Secondary and Postsecondary Programs — Perkins Reserve
7060-1000 Federal 463 FY23 Summer Acceleration to College
7038-0107 Federal 494 FY23 Workplace Education Grant
7038-0107 Federal 494 FY23 Workplace Education
7038-0107 Federal 494 FY24 Workplace Education Grant
7038-0107 Federal 495 FY23 Workplace Education Grant
7048-7323 Federal 508 FY24 Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM)
7048-7323 Federal 508 FY23 Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM), Preschool
7048-7323 Federal 508 FY23 Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM) Preschool Continuation
7048-7323 Federal 509 FY23 Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM), PreK–12
7048-7323 Federal 509 FY24 Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM), K–12
7048-7323 Federal 509 FY23 Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM), K–5 and 6–12 Continuation
7048-7323 Federal 510 FY23 Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM), K–5 and 6–12 Continuation
7048-7323 Federal 510 FY24 Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM), PreK–12
7048-7323 Federal 510 FY23 Growing Literacy Equity Across Massachusetts (GLEAM), PreK–12
7060-1000 Federal 512 FY23 Boston Systemic Improvement Plan (SIP) Grant
7060-1000 Federal 523 FY24 Development and Expansion of High Quality Summer Learning
7060-1000 Federal 523 FY23 Development and Expansion of High Quality Summer Learning
7009-2020 (EOE) Federal 525 FY24 Development and Expansion of High Quality Summer Learning
7009-2020 (EOE) Federal 525 FY23 Development and Expansion of High Quality Summer Learning
7062-0017 Federal 532 FY23 Charter School Significant Expansion Program
7062-0017 Federal 535 FY24 Charter School Program Start-Up Grant
7060-1000 Federal 599 FY24 OpenSciEd Elementary Field Test
7060-1000 Federal 599 FY23 OpenSciEd High School Field Test Materials
7060-1000 Federal 601 FY24 OpenSciEd Middle School Implementation Support
7043-4002 Federal 644 FY23 21st CCLC Summer Enhancement / Pilot Summer Internship Project Grant
7043-4002 Federal 644 FY24 21st CCLC Summer Enhancement Grant
7043-4002 Federal 644 FY24 21st CCLC Internship Enhancement Grant
7043-4002 Federal 644 FY23 21st CCLC Internship Enhancement Grant
7043-4002 Federal 645 FY24 Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (21st CCLC)
7043-4002 Federal 645 FY23 Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (21st CCLC)
7043-4002 Federal 646 FY23 Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers — Exemplary Programs Grant
7043-4002 Federal 647 FY23 Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) - Supporting Additional Learning Time Grant (SALT) — for new sites
7048-2322 Federal 650 FY23 Healthy Schools for Student Success
4003-0861 (ORI) Federal 652 FY24 Afghan Refugee Support to Schools Grant
4003-0861 (ORI) Federal 652 FY23 Afghan Refugee Support to Schools Grant
7060-1000 Federal 653 FY24 Investigating History Implementation Grant
7060-1000 Federal 654 FY24 August Instructional Leadership Institute Stipends
7038-0107 Federal 671 FY23 MassSTEP ABE and MassSTEP ESOL Planning and Implementation
7038-0107 Federal 671 FY24 MassSTEP ABE and MassSTEP ESOL
7043-6002 Federal 690 FY23 Title V-B (2): Rural and Low-Income School Program
45701527 (DPH) Federal 716 FY23 Partners for Youth Success: Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
45701527 (DPH) Federal 716 FY23 Partners for Youth Success: Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) - II
4570-1527 (DPH) Federal 716 FY24 Partners for Youth Success: Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
7060-1000 Federal 719 FY23 Accelerating Literacy Learning through High Quality Instructional Materials
7053-2119 Federal 722 FY24 School Nutrition Equipment Assistance for Schools
7053-2119 Federal 722 FY23 School Nutrition Equipment Assistance for Schools
7053-2119 Federal 722 FY23 School Nutrition Equipment Assistance for Schools
7060-1000 Federal 729 FY24 Approaches to Address Student Cellphone Use Pilot Grant
7057-2119 Federal 757 FY24 School Nutrition Equipment Assistance for Schools

For more information on Indirect Cost, please visit Essential Information webpage.

Last Updated: May 1, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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