The purpose of this targeted grant is to assist in the day-to-day operation of High School Equivalency Test Centers (HSE) including, but not limited to, the cost for test administration, special needs, marketing, and technology upgrades.
The priorities for use of these funds must be in the areas of test center materials, technology, and staffing (including special needs) for approved HSE Test Centers only.
Eligible High School Equivalency Test Centers must affirm that they are in compliance with all GED® and HiSET® test center regulations. The state reserves the right to (1) set policies and requirements to support the purpose and intent of the grant and (2) identify and apply state regulations as needed. If used for staffing, a job description is required.
The High School Equivalency funds to be used to:
manage high school equivalency testing services to adult students across the state of Massachusetts.
deliver a program design which may include paper and computer-based testing
serve HSE candidates ages 16 and above (Ages 16 and 17 will provide verification of school withdrawal to the HSE Office)
Only approved HSE Test Centers are eligible to apply. Refer to Attachment 1 that lists approved HSE Test Centers and funding amounts available for each center
State Funded Line Item 7035-0002
Approximately $269,272 of state funding is available to support the High School Equivalency Test Center services, subject to the appropriation of state funds. See below.
This RFP is the governing document for these grant funds.
Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding is to become available, it will be distributed under the same guideline as listed in the initial RFP document.
Funds must be used in any or all of the following areas if needed.
Upon Approval (no earlier than 7/1/2023)* through 6/30/2024 * Grant start date cannot be prior to DESE receiving a substantially approvable Application Submission as directed in this RFP's Submission Instructions. Goods and Services cannot be procured prior to Grants receiving and approving an application submission. Funds cannot exceed the project duration end date.
Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS) HSE Unit
Michael Farma
(781) 338-3836
Friday June 23, 2023
Part III — Required Program Information: Cover Letter
All required documents to be submitted through GEM$
The FY24 Fund Code 0850 High School Equivalency Test Center grant will be submitted in our new GEM$ system. GEM$ is a cloud-based fiscal and program management grant system that will be taking the place of EdGrants.
Grants for Education Management System (GEM$)
Last Updated: April 24, 2024