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Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2024: Middle School Career Connected Learning Partnership Grant

Fund Code: 0424


The purpose of this targeted grant is to assist school districts in the planning and development of a career-connected learning model for middle school students. Through in- and out- of school time lessons, activities, and projects will be developed to support students as they discover their personal interests, skills, talents and passions, explore careers that align to those attributes and engage in meaningful experiences to deepen their learning. The model will help students see the relevance of their academic learning as they begin exploring careers and understand all the potential learning opportunities and pathway options that will be available when they transition to high school.


Design a career connected learning model that provides students the opportunity to discover their individual interests, skills, and talents, explore career fields related to those personal attributes, and engage in meaningful activities that build relevance of their middle school learning.

The model should include ways that local district high school(s) and representatives of regional and other public-school options are integrated to share options with students. Students should learn about all available pathway programming: Innovation Career Pathways, Early College programs, Career and Technical Education Chapter 74 programs, Local Pathway programs, Work-based learning opportunities in high school, postsecondary partnerships, and additional advanced coursework opportunities.

The model should reflect the scope and sequence of a MyCAP process inclusive of the Commonwealth's Career Development Model and integrate the school/district's comprehensive school counseling program.

There should be a design team that ensures the middle school career connected learning model includes a variety of sequential learning opportunities that support self-identification of interests, skills and talents, career awareness activities such as field trips and/or guest speakers, leading to career exploration through service-learning opportunities, and work-based learning projects. The design team may include school personnel, family representatives, district personnel including high school staff, as well as representatives from, local MassHire Board, and employer partners.

The design team may choose to offer a pilot of the model prior to June 30, 2024


Eligible schools engaged in a middle school career exploration pilot program with DESE in Spring 2023.

District NameAmount
Libertas Academy Charter School$45,000
Maynard Public Schools$45,000
New Bedford$45,000
Funding Type:

State Line Item 7035-0001


An approximate total amount of $405,000 is available to eligible applicants.

This RFP is the governing document for these grant funds.

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding becomes available, it will be distributed under the same guidelines that appear in this RFP document.

Fund Use:

Stipends and costs related to a team approach for developing a middle school career connected learning model and optional planning with DESE and any technical assistance providers

Contracting for professional development and/or technical assistance providers to plan/implement MyCAP, support the MA Model for School Counseling, develop curriculum to support career connected learning, support teacher instruction and activities for career connected learning experiences in all classrooms

Materials and supplies related to career readiness curriculum and instruction including tools related to career a connected learning.

Expenses related to optional springtime programming which may include transportation to experiences supporting the career connected learning spectrum being developed.

Cannot be used for future subscriptions, technology including platforms i(e.g.., Naviance), online recovery platforms (e.g. Edgenuity)

Project Duration:

Upon Approval* – 6/30/2024

* Grant start date cannot be prior to DESE receiving a substantially approvable Application Submission as directed in this RFP's Submission Instructions. Goods and Services cannot be procured prior to Grants receiving and approving an application submission. Funds cannot exceed the project duration end date.

Program Unit:



Lisa Harney
(781) 338-3903

Date Due:

Proposals are due on Monday February 26, 2024

Submission Instructions:

Submit all required grant materials through the Grants for Education Management System (GEM$). GEM$ is a cloud-based fiscal and program management grant system that will eventually phase out the use of EdGrants.

Last Updated: February 8, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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