Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2024: Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Postsecondary Allocation Grant

Fund Code: 0401


The mission of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is to strengthen the Commonwealth's public education system so that every student is prepared to succeed in postsecondary education, compete in the global economy, and understand the rights and responsibilities of American citizens, and in so doing, to close all proficiency gaps.

The goal of Massachusetts' public K–12 education system is to prepare all students for success after high school. Our five core strategies to accelerate the pace of school improvement are:

  • Strengthening standards, curriculum, instruction, and assessment
  • Promoting educator development
  • Supporting social-emotional learning, health, and safety
  • Turning around the state's lowest performing districts and schools
  • Enhancing resource allocation and data use

The purpose of this federal grant is to assist public two-year colleges with programs that meet the definition of career and technical education as contained in the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act P.L. 115-224 (Perkins V)


The priority is to close the achievement gap on the Perkins core indicators of performance for populations who are chronically unemployed or underemployed, including special populations. Note: A minimum of 20% of the allocation funds must be used for secondary-postsecondary linkage activities and services.


A postsecondary institution is eligible to receive funds based on criteria established by the United States Department of Education (USED). Postsecondary institutions must offer Career Technical Education programs that comply with the various elements of Perkins V. In addition, districts must develop a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment. Grants are awarded to programs after the state reviews and approves its grant application.

Funding Type:

Federal CFDA 84.048
Federal grant funds must adhere to:

  • UGG (2 CFR 200)
  • EDGAR As Applicable
  • EDGAR General Fiscal Administration 34 CFR Part 76

FY24 FC 0401 Perkins V Postsecondary Allocations — Approximately $4,502,887 is available.

This RFP is the governing document for these grant funds.

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding becomes available, it will be distributed under the same guidelines that appear in this RFP document.

Fund Use:

Allocation funds must be used in accordance with Perkins V. Funds shall supplement and not supplant non-Federal funds.

Project Duration:

Upon Approval* – 6/30/2024

* The grant start date cannot be prior to DESE receiving a substantially approvable Application Submission as directed in this RFP's Submission Instructions. Goods and Services cannot be procured prior to Grants receiving and approving an application submission. Funds cannot exceed the project duration end date.

Program Unit:

Resource Allocation Strategy and Planning


Federal Grant Programs

Phone Number:

(781) 338-6230

Date Due:

Monday, September 25, 2023

Community Colleges eligible to receive Perkins Postsecondary funds are required to take an additional step to obtain funds through the Interdepartmental Service Agreement (ISA) process. This process will add 4 to 6 weeks to the process timeline. Therefore, it is important to keep this in mind, and submit your completed application in a timely fashion.

Required Forms:

FY24 Federal Grant Assurances — The FY24 Federal Grant Assurances Signature Page (Page 1 only) must be completed and signed by the Superintendent/Executive Director and uploaded in GEM$ in the LEA Document Library under Assurances, in folder Federal Entitlement Grant Assurances. We cannot approve any federal entitlement grants without a signed, properly dated and uploaded Federal Grant Assurance signature page.

Additional Information:

The information below is intended for Community Colleges that require ISAs as part of their grant award process.

Additional resources:

Massachusetts Perkins V Manual

Prenatal through Young Adulthood Family Engagement Framework in Massachusetts

Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR)

GEM$ Submission Instructions:

The FY2024 Fund Code 0401 Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) Postsecondary Allocation Grant will be completed and submitted in our new Grants for Education Management System (GEM$). GEM$ is a cloud-based fiscal and program management grant system that will eventually phase out the use of EdGrants.

Note: Grant submission requires applicants to have their LEA/Organization user roles established in GEM$ for this grant. Please see all training videos and slides, at Grants for Education Management System Home.

Last Updated: June 30, 2023

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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