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Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2024: Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into Academic Learning

Fund Code: 0151


The goal of this federally funded continuation grant program is to build school and district capacity to:

  • Measure students' social and emotional (SE) skills and competencies and effectively use data to identify areas of need, and support students to develop specific skills/competencies within a tiered system of support; and/or

  • Engage in explicit teaching and learning of SE skills/competencies that are integrated and applied throughout all subject areas.


Through this grant, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and/or its partners will provide, in addition to the grant funds, technical assistance, professional development and/or coaching to support school and/or district teams in one or more of the following priority areas.

  • Priority 1 — The Social and Emotional Learning Indicator System (SELIS) survey supports a strength-based, tiered approach to developing students' social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies. Developed by researchers in partnership with the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), SELIS identifies students' self-reported SEL strengths in five core competencies. The data enables educators to support students in areas in need of development within a tiered system of support. DESE will provide participating districts with SELIS data and technical assistance to make meaning of the SEL data in an integrated system of support.

  • Priority 2 — Using Service-Learning (SL) to Teach and Reinforce SE Skills Across Content Areas (SL/SEL Integration): This priority is designed to support teachers' instruction, tap into and empower students' sense of agency, boost students' collaborative skills, and spark students' interest in future civic work.

    Through this priority teachers will create a service-learning experience for students based on their own content standards (aligned with state and/or district curriculums). By applying multiple frameworks (CASEL's Social Emotional Learning, KIDS As Planners Service-Learning, Connect Science Blueprint, etc.), teachers will learn how to design a unit(s) that engages students in learning. The result is a project-based learning unit that integrates science and/or health, social and emotional learning, social studies, mathematics, literacy and more.

    Priority 2A: Middle and High School Units focused on Health Topics

    Priority 2B: Planning Grant to Create Connect Science Unit(s) (3rd – 5th Grade, SEL, Science, SL)
    **Only districts that have participated in a Connect Science Institute are eligible to apply for Priority 2B.


Grantees awarded a competitive Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Fund Code (FC) 151 grant are eligible to apply for the category(ies) for which they were funded in FY2023.

Funding Type:

Federal CFDA: 84.424

Federal grant funds must adhere to:

  • UGG (2 CFR 200)
  • EDGAR As Applicable
  • EDGAR General Fiscal Administration 34 CFR Part 76

Approximately $210,478 is available. Applicants may apply for up to the amount per category for which they were awarded in FY2023 .

This RFP is the governing document for these grant funds.

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding becomes available it will be distributed under the same guidelines that appear in this RFP document.

Fund Use:

Funds may be used to support stipends for staff engaged in grant activities, substitutes, materials and supplies, or other related costs.

Project Duration:

Upon Approval* (not before 10/1/2023) – 6/30/2024

* Grant start date cannot be prior to DESE receiving a substantially approvable Application Submission as directed in this RFP's Submission Instructions. Goods and Services cannot be procured prior to Grants receiving and approving an application submission. Funds cannot exceed the project duration end date.

Program Unit:

Student and Family Support


Kristen McKinnon

Phone Number:

(781) 338-6306

Date Due:

Friday, September 29, 2023

Extensions, if needed, may also be requested by the due date.

Additional Information:

Private School Consultation: ESSA requires the equitable participation of students and educators in private, non-profit schools for federally funded programs and services. The equitable participation requirements in Subpart 1 of Part E of Title IX apply to this grant program. More information can be found here: Private School Equitable Services under ESSA resources

GEM$ Submission Instructions:

The FY24 FC 0151 Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into Academic Learning will be submitted in our new GEM$ system. GEM$ is a cloud-based fiscal and program management grant system that will eventually phase out the use of EdGrants.

Grants for Education Management System (GEM$)

To apply for this funding opportunity in GEM$:

  • Select Funding > Funding Applications from the left-side menu.
  • Click on FC 0151 Integrating Social and Emotional Learning into Academic Learning (FED/CONT)
  • Then next to "Change Status To" click "Application Started" to begin.

Last Updated: September 13, 2023

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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