The purpose of this competitive grant is to provide significant planning and support resources to non-Designated Early College programs resources to build out innovative Early College models that will significantly increase the number of underrepresented students served in the Commonwealth through thoughtful implementation plans. Applicants for the Early College Incubator grants should be aligned with the MA Early College Program and the related Early College Designation Criteria and plan to pursue the Early College Designation by Spring 2024. Applicants should be innovative in their approach, through course delivery methods, use of technology, unconventional student supports, etc. to broaden equitable access to students.
Each awardee will also be expected to establish a leadership team to work with a design consultant/coach procured by DESE and submit an implementation plan in writing at the end of FY23. Additional FY24 funding may be made available upon approvals of these plans.
Expectations for the outcomes of this grant:Plans generated by this grant opportunity are expected to generally align with the Guiding Principles and Designation Criteria . They should include but are not limited to:
Identifying new models to intentionally recruit, enroll, and serve economically disadvantaged students who have faced systemic barriers to high education.
Developing new innovative models promote widespread supportive culture around postsecondary access and success as well as support college acculturation and immersion as part of the Early College experience.
Building new and innovative capacity to scale through staffing, outreach efforts, support services, curriculum alignment, college coursework opportunities, and other supports designed to blend high school and college in ways that assist students in overcoming barriers to postsecondary access and success.
Prioritization will be given to programs that are proposing to reach students who do not currently have access to Early College programming; who have substantively consulted with DESE and/or DHE over the course of FY 22 about potential early college models and those plan to build a large-scale Early College program with intentional scope and sequencing that allows Early College students to pursue a minimum of 30 college credits., Prioritization will be given to those partnerships serving a majority of high school students with high needs. According to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, students who are high needs are those designated as: low income, economically disadvantaged, an ELL, a former ELL, or a student with disabilities. Prioritization will also be given to partnerships that aim to serve students who are underrepresented in higher education, which also includes students who are first in their generation to attend college, and racially minoritized students. Priority will also be given to districts and schools in chronically underperforming status and schools who commit to serving at least 25% of their entire school population.
This grant is open to non- Designated potential Early College programs that are innovative in their approach. The list of MA Designated Early College Partnerships is available here: Early College Designees - College, Career and Technical Education (
Either the K–12 institution (or non-profit agency) or institution of higher education (IHE) partner can serve as the fiscal sponsor, however, the resources provided are intended to support both partners in building capacity for the number of Early College students to be served by FY24.
Federal CFDA: 84.425 Federal Coronavirus Relief Programs - Federal Grant Programs
Approximately up to $200,000 is available per partnership. Up to 10 grants will be awarded. Additional funding opportunities will be made in FY24 to support the implementation of approved incubator programs
Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding becomes available, it will be distributed under the same guidelines that appear in this RFP document.
Competitive federal funds to be used to support innovative Early College programs that prioritize underrepresented students, who were heavily impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, in accessing and succeeding in college degree programs
Upon Approval (no earlier than 7/1/2022) – 8/31/2023
Additional funding opportunities will be made in FY24 to support the implementation of approved incubator programs
Early College Office
Kristin Hunt , Early College Director(781) 338-3310
Monday May 9, 2022
Part I — General — Program Unit Signature Page — (Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants)
Part II — Budget
Part III — Required Program Information
A Q&A Information Session on this RFP will be held via Zoom on:April 28, 2022 from 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Please register at Zoom Meeting Registration
Early Incubator Planning Grant FAQ
Complete proposals must be received via email to Rebekah Barr by 5:00 PM on Monday May 9, 2022
Awarded Recipients: Upon award, recipients will be required to enter the approved budget in EdGrants and upload required documents. Once selected, grant recipients will be contacted with further instructions on the process.
Last Updated: May 2, 2022
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
Disclaimer: A reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.