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Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2022: Massachusetts 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (21st CCLC) — Continuation Grant

Fund Codes: 645/244


The purpose of the Fund Code (FC) 645 grant program is to continue to support the implementation of academically enriching programming implemented during out-of-school time (OST) and/or through an extended school day (ELT).

The FC 244 grant program uses federal special education funding to continue to enhance the capacity 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) programs to effectively include students on Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) into existing programs and services.


Supporting students and families from all identities and cultures with a focus on those that have been historically marginalized — including, but not limited to students who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), emerging multilingual students, students living in poverty, and students with disabilities — so all students can be empowered to make informed choices in life after high school and prepared for college and/or a career.

Strengthening student learning by combining content knowledge with a deeper approach to learning that emphasizes the skills necessary to apply that knowledge successfully.

Implementing high interest and high engagement interactive and relevant teaching and learning strategies during the school year and summer.

Leveraging assessment data to design programming that is tailored to the needs and interests of students and demonstrates continuous program improvement efforts.

Contributing to the development of skills and knowledge that support a career pathway for students.

Developing systems of support that engage students and families in ways that are culturally relevant, and leverage the knowledge, strengths, and assets of students, families, educators, and the community.

Developing sustainable models for supporting additional quality learning time.

  • FC 645 — Eligible entities are recipients of a (21st CCLC) Fund Code (FC) 647 grants for new sites in FY2020 and for sites awarded a competitive 21st CCLC Exemplary Programs Grant through FC 646 in FY2020 or FY2021.

  • FC 244 — Eligible entities are sites that were recipients of a fiscal year 2021 FC 244 grant and meet the eligibility requirements noted above.

For a list of eligible entities, see Addendum A — Eligible Entities & Initial Continuation Funding Amounts (in the Additional Information section).

Key Grant Requirements:

Throughout the duration of the grant, recipients are required to continue to meet the key requirements outlined in the original grant application and Addendum B — Requirements and Assurances (See Required Forms section).

FC 645 — Additionally, recipients may set aside funds to attend a potential U.S. Department of Education 21st CCLC Summer Institute (July 2022).

FC 244 — include students on IEPs into an array of activities designed to complement their school-day programs, advance student achievement, and provide opportunities for socializing and participating with peers with and without disabilities. Districts/Schools/Sites must continue to designate a special education liaison to the 21st CCLC program/site to ensure that students on IEPs have full access to the program.

Funding Type:

Federal CFDA: 84.027


See Addendum A — Eligible Entities & Initial Continuation Funding Amounts in the Additional Information section.

(Note — amounts do not include the HQPBL Additional funding opportunity below. Applicants selected for this opportunity will be notified prior to submission in EdGrants so that budgets can be adjusted as needed and finalized before entry.)

Additional Funding Available (see Part IIIA for additional details and requirements):
Due to the availability of some additional funding all ELT/OST schools/sites eligible for continuation funding can apply for up to an additional $20,000/site.

High Quality Project Based Learning (HQPBL) Training — Cohort II (see Part IIIA for additional details and requirements):

  • Up to approximately $250,000 is available for participation in a year long PBL training series.

  • Applicants may request up to $25,000/site. Requested sites to participate can include sites receiving continuation funds and/or those that receive an FY2022 FC 646 Exemplary Programs Grant. Funds must be used solely to stipend educators to participate in trainings, team planning time, and develop curriculum.

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding becomes available, it will be distributed under the same guidelines as listed in the initial RFP document.

Fund Use:

Funds may be used to support salaries, stipends, contracts, instructional materials, and other expenses associated with implementing additional time supported through this grant.

These funds may not be used to supplant existing, currently funded costs, which would otherwise be funded (in the absence of these grant funds) from other sources (e.g., current salary levels, current transportation costs, instructional materials already being used during the school day, summer school, etc.).

It is expected that applicants will use the funds from this grant to support enhanced or new services for students. Sites are expected to continue to implement program components that align to the grant requirements And priorities. It is expected that grantees are developing plans to ensure that the activities and initiatives that are supported through these funds will be sustained beyond the grant period.

Unless otherwise approved no more than 25% of the total budget may be used for program coordination and administration; and no more than 10% of the total budget may be used for program materials. All contracted providers must be held to the same budgetary guidelines. Districts or agencies including indirect costs in their budget proposals may use their most recently approved indirect cost rates. However, the maximum rate that can be charged to this grant is 5.0% regardless of the approved indirect rate. Non-school districts must have applied for and received an approved FY2022 rate in order to budget for indirect costs.

Indirect costs are not allowed for sites that are recipients of an FC 646 grant.

Project Duration:

Upon Approval (No earlier than 9/1/2021) – 8/31/2022

Program Unit:

Office of Student and Family Support


Karyl Resnick

Phone Number:

(781) 338-3515

Date Due:

Due on or before Friday August 20, 2021

See the Submission Instructions section below for additional details.

The earliest possible start date is September 1, 2021

Required Forms:

Additional Information:

Submission Instructions:

Please submit information as noted below:

Email the following to by Friday, August 20, 2021:

  • FC Excel Workbook in its original excel format. Note Tab 1 is FC645& Tab 2 is FC244
  • Part IIIA
  • Addendum B — Signed Scanned copy

Once the continuation grant has been approved grantees must submit all required grant materials through EdGrants.

In EdGrants, districts are required to create and name the project. Please use the following naming convention for

  • FC645 "Applicant Project Name" in EdGrants: Applicant name- FY22 FC 645 21st CCLC Continuation Grant.

  • FC244 "Applicant Project Name" in EdGrants: Applicant name- FY22 FC 244 21st Enhancement Grant

All required forms should be uploaded / attached in the Attachments List format of the Application Submission. This includes a signed / scanned PDF of Part I Coversheet with Superintendent's signature and Addendum B with required signatures. The final budget the applicant is requesting will be entered directly into EdGrants as part of the application submission process.

For Guidance Documents regarding EdGrants, visit EdGrants: User Guides and Information.

Last Updated: July 22, 2021

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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