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Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2021: Early College Implementation Grant

Fund Code: 462


The purpose of this competitive targeted grant is to provide resources to Early College program partner applicants who have either been approved for Early College Designation in spring of 2020 or who have completed at least Part A of the Designation Application commit to working with the Early College program staff and technical assistance provider on the continued development of their Early College program to be considered for Designation in FY2021.


For Designated Partnerships, priorities include but are not limited to:

Implementing strategies for targeting underserved students in both recruitment and enrollment including family outreach events.

Implementing Early College programming including ongoing communication with students and families, career exposure and immersion activities, college exploration and immersion activities, academic skills building and assessment activities, among others.

Staffing for program administration, student recruitment and enrollment, instruction, academic and non-academic student support, program monitoring, curriculum alignment.

Supplies, technology and transportation related to programming, academic coursework, activities and events.

Professional development and planning time for faculty, staff and teachers who will be delivering the Early College program

Building capacity and bringing Early College programs to scale ensuring that students are strongly supported in their Early College pathways, specifically addressing how supports will help students overcome barriers to postsecondary access and success.

For Applicant Programs not yet Designated, priorities include but are not limited to:

Designing strategies for targeting underserved students in both recruitment and enrollment including family outreach events

Designing and/or Implementing Early College programming including ongoing communication with students and families, career exposure and immersion activities, college exploration and immersion activities, academic skills building and assessment activities, among others.

Staffing for program planning and/or program administration, curriculum alignment, student recruitment and enrollment, instruction, academic and non-academic student support, and program monitoring

Professional development and planning time for faculty, staff and teachers who will be delivering the Early College program

Building capacity and bringing Early College programs to scale ensuring that students are strongly supported in their Early College pathways, specifically addressing how supports will help students overcome barriers to postsecondary access and success.


Eligible recipients for this grant include: programs receiving Designation in Spring or Summer 2020, as determined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, as well as the Department of Higher Education, and programs that have successfully completed the Part A Application for Designation and received approval. The purpose of this funding is to provide financial support for Early College programs (those Designated, and those working towards Designation), so that they might successfully implement their programs and meet the five Guiding Principles outlined in the Designation Criteria Download PDF Document. Each Early College partnership must identify a lead financial partner (either the K-12 partner or the Higher Education partner).

Funding Type:



A total of approximately $2,000,000.00 is projected to be available.

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding becomes available, it will be distributed under the same guidelines that appear in this RFP document.

For Designated Programs:
The implementation grant may range from approximately $50,000–$160,000 in support of the Early College partnerships that are approved for Designation by the Early College Joint Committee in Spring or Summer of 2020.

For Applicants who have not received Designation:
The grant may range from $50,000–$80,000 to Early College partnerships that have completed Part A of the Designation and who commit to the continued development and implementing of the recommended changes to their programs requested by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, as well as the Department of Higher Education, to be considered for Designation in FY2021. For Early College partnerships who are awarded this grant and then approved for Designation in FY2021, they may be eligible for additional implementation funding in FY21 as available.

Fund Use:

Equipment including computer hardware may be included for Designated programs only but is restricted to no more than 10% of total proposed budget.

Project Duration:

Upon Approval (no earlier than 7/1/2020) – 6/30/2021

Program Unit:

Early College

Rebekah Barr
Phone Number:

(781) 338-3195

Date Due:

Friday, May 29, 2020. Proposals must be received at the Department by 5:00 p.m. on the date due.

Required Forms:
Download Word Document
Part I — General — Program Unit Signature Page — (Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants)

Download Excel Document
Part II — Budget Detail Pages

Download Word Document
Part III — Required Program Information

Submission Instructions:

Applicants will use link provided to them in order to submit required documentation for review. The link is also available to applicants.

Awarded Recipients: Upon award, recipients will be required to enter the approved budget and Part I in EdGrants. Once selected, recipients will be contacted with further instructions on the process.

Last Updated: March 13, 2020

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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