Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2020 Found Code: 335

Safe and Supportive Schools Competitive Grant

Funds Allocated:$126,000 (State)
Funds Requested:$466,840
Purpose: The purpose of the Safe and Supportive Schools Grant is to support schools and districts in creating a safe, positive, healthy and inclusive whole-school learning environment and make effective use of a system for integrating services and aligning initiatives that promotes students' behavioral health.

Each applicant was eligible to apply for one of following options:
  • Option 1: Schools and districts convene a school team to respond to all questions in the Safe and Supportive Schools Self-Reflection Tool. Teams then create action plans to identify priority areas as they relate to the six areas in the Tool which include: Leadership, Infrastructure, and Culture; Professional Learning Opportunities; Access to Resources and Services; Teaching and Learning that Fosters Safe and Supportive Environments; School Policies, Procedures, and Protocols; and Family Engagement.

  • Option 2: Schools implement action plans, and provide support to others. School and district teams previously completed the Tool and developed these action plans to identify priority areas as they relate to their analysis of the Tool results. Grantees will also provide support to and mentorship for new tool users, other new Tool users, schools and districts that are new to implementation, as well as the Department, Commission and others as needed and appropriate.

Funds are provided pursuant to line-item 7061-9612 of the FY20 state budget.

Number of Proposals Received:38
Number of Proposals Recommended:17
Number of Proposals Not Recommended:21
Result of Funding: A total of 17 school districts and their selected schools will receive funds through the two options described above to create safe, supportive, and welcoming school environments. Option 1 — Action Planning: A total of seven (7) districts and their selected schools will receive funds to support the convening of school and district based teams to utilize the Self-Reflection tool and create school and district based action plans. Option 2 — School Based Implementation and Mentorship/Support: Ten (10) districts and their selected schools (indicated in the list below with an asterisk) will receive funds to support the implementation of school and district action plans. District and school personnel will also serve in a variety of capacities as mentors and support for Option 1 grantees and others.
Arlington Public Schools*$7,500
Berkshire Arts and Technology Charter Public School*7,500
Carver Public Schools*6,500
Chelsea Public Schools*7,500
Concord Carlisle Regional High School8,000
Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School8,000
Gill-Montague Regional School District*7,500
Libertas Academy Charter School8,000
Milton Public Schools*6,500
Monomoy Regional School District*6,500
Monson Public Schools8,000
North River Collaborative8,000
Quabbin Regional School District8,000
Quaboag Regional School District*7,500
Southbridge Public Schools*6,500
Swampscott Public Schools8,000
Wilmington Public Schools*6,500
Total State Funds$126,000

Last Updated: October 15, 2019