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Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2020: Early Grades Literacy Program: Creating Independent Writers

Fund Code: 734


The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) administers an Early Grades Literacy (EGL) grant with the goal of improving early literacy as articulated in the state's ESSA plan. The purpose of the grant program is to increase student proficiency in reading, writing and effective communication in the early grades. The reciprocity of the Writing Standards with the Reading, Speaking and Listening and Language Standards supports the FY20 grant program focus of writing.

The grant program supports selected schools with funding for a team of teachers and one administrator to participate in a year-long professional learning series that supports the implementation of the 2017 Curriculum Framework, with a focus on Writing in kindergarten through grade 3.

Two levels of participation are available:

Group 1
Professional Learning Series
Group 2
Professional Learning Series
  • 5 full-day meetings
    • 2 Institutes
    • 3 Regional/Focus
  • Virtual Book Study
  • 5 full-day meetings
    • 2 Institutes
    • 3 Regional/Focus
  • 8 school-based after school meetings
  • Support of a school-based literacy consultant
  • Virtual Book Study (optional)

The priority of this grant program is to support teams in participating schools to:

Deepen educators' understanding of:

  • the writing standards, specifically the three broad categories: opinion, informative/explanatory and narrative and the elements of effective writing in each category;
  • the developmental stages and progression of writing in young children (grades k-3) and how the writing standards in the 2017 ELA/Literacy Framework promote writing in support of literacy achievement;
  • developmentally appropriate, grade-level, standards-aligned, authentic writing expectations across the k-3 span that reflect intentional integration of the Reading, Speaking and Listening, and Language standards;
  • Strategies that support students becoming independent writers;
  • Meaningful writing feedback for students

This grant program is designed for school teams. Districts interested in more than one school participating will be required to submit the required information for each school separately.

The grant involves two levels of participation (see Fund Use below). Eligibility requirements differ by participation level.

Schools applying to be part of Group 1 must:

  • Identify a team (no more than six members) consisting of one teacher from each of the target grade levels (K-3 or K-2 depending upon school makeup) and one school-based leader responsible for early literacy instruction (an administrator or teacher-leader) that will participate in all grant activities to lead teacher learning, planning and implementation of grant priorities;
  • Ensure that all team members participate in all grant events: two (2) statewide literacy institutes, three (3) full-day regional/focus meetings and a virtual book study group (optional for Group 2);
  • Commit to implementing strategies and resources presented in the grant program to enhance student achievement in writing;
  • Commit to showcasing the school's implementation work at full-day regional/focus meeting;
  • Participate in a pre-and post-survey and focus groups or individual interviews to gauge teacher learning and progress.

Schools applying to be part of Group 2 commit to all Group 1 requirements, and:

  • Commit members of the grant team (no more than six members) to participate in eight (8) monthly afternoon meetings facilitated by the Early Grades Literacy Consultant;
  • Dedicate time in the school day, including common planning time and PD time as needed, for 225 hours of work with an Early Literacy Consultant;
  • Participate in a mid-year survey to assess the program effectiveness, including the effectiveness of the consultants;
  • Meet quarterly to focus on developing measurable, school-based goals and action planning (school grant leader);
  • Host visits by DESE staff to observe implementation of the grant program.

Competitive priority will be given to schools that have been identified in need of focused/targeted support by the DESE.

Funding Type:



A total of approximately $800,000 is projected to be available and will be distributed based on the number of quality proposals submitted and approved.

Funding is contingent upon availability. All dollar amounts listed are estimated/approximate and are subject to change. If more funding is to become available it will be distributed under the same guideline as listed in the initial RFP document.

Fund Use:

Funds are available through two levels of participation and may be used for the following for four categories: stipends; substitutes; materials to support professional learning; and a DESE-approved literacy consultant.

Group 1: Funds will be used for:

  • Stipends amounting to $1,000 for each designated grant team member (up to 6 people) for participation in professional development beyond contractual hours and associated travel costs, including:
    1. Travel for two (2) full day statewide literacy institutes
    2. Travel for three (3) full day regional/focus meetings
    3. Time beyond the school day for participation in the Virtual Book Study Group

Group 2: Schools interested in a higher level of support can apply for participation in Group 2. Group 2 funds will be used for:

  • Stipends amounting to $2,000 for each designated grant team member (up to 6 people) for participation in professional development beyond contractual hours and associated travel costs, including:
    1. a. Travel for two (2) full day statewide literacy institutes;
    2. b. Travel for three (3) full day regional/focus meetings;
    3. c. Participation in eight (8) after school meetings (minimum of two (2) hours beyond contractual hours each)
  • Additional stipends amounting to $800 each for additional educators, up to ten (10), who elect to participate in the eight (8) afterschool, school-based, professional learning meetings;
  • Substitutes: up to $125/teacher/day for members of the school grant team (up to four [4] teachers) for five days, to attend the statewide institutes and regional/focus meetings, based on the district's standard substitute rate;
  • On-site, school-based support and professional learning from an early literacy consultant. The grant-funded consultant is paid by the school. (225 hours at $75/hour for school-based support, and 70 hours at $75/hour dedicated to preparation time in addition to active work in schools for a total of 295 hours);
  • Materials, up to $1,000 to support professional learning related to the grant.

Project Duration:

Upon approval through 6/30/2020

Program Unit:

Center for Instructional Support

Tracey Martineau
Phone Number:

(413) 519-8426 (cell)

Date Due:

Letter of Intent to apply for the Early Grades Literacy Grant funding. All districts intending to apply to participate in this grant opportunity must submit a Letter of Intent indicating the which schools will be applying for funds by 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 14, 2019.

Complete proposals are due by Friday, July 5, 2019. Applicants may submit proposals before the grant deadline.

Proposals must be received at the Department by 5:00 p.m. on the date due.

Required Forms:

Districts applying for funding must submit a grant application that includes all of the following required forms:

Completed Proposals will include:

Download Word Document
Part I — General — Program Unit Signature Page (Standard Contract Form and Application for Program Grants)

Download Excel Document
Part II — Budget Detail Pages workbook (include both pages.) Complete the following sections:
  • Section 4: Stipends: Group 1:($1,000/participant up to 6 participants) and Group 2: ($2,000/participant up to 6 grant participants and $800/participant up to ten participants for those who elect to participate in eight afterschool professional learning meetings)
  • Section 6: Contractual Services: Group 2 only - school-based literacy consultant (295 hours @$75/hour )and substitutes (up to $125 for four teachers)
  • Section 7: Supplies and Materials: Group 2 only ($1,000/professional learning materials)

Download Word Document
Part III — Required Program Information — Grant Narrative Form

Download Word Document
Part IV — Assurance from Participating School

Download Word Document
Part V — School District Assurance

Submission Instructions:

Email the Budget Detail Pages workbook, required program information, and related documents to

Awarded Recipients: Upon award, recipients will be required to enter the approved budget and Part I in EdGrants. Once selected, recipients will be contacted with further instructions on the process.

All documents submitted electronically must be web accessible. For more information, visit: Preparing an MS OFFICE document for the Web.

Last Updated: May 29, 2019

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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