Most people use word processors incorrectly. Rather than use true headings, they simply enlarge the font size and make it bold. Use styles to format text such as titles, headings, and paragraphs. If you do this, the document has no real structure that can be discerned by a screen reader. Styles provide structure information for accessible documents and save you time!
The correct way to provide structure within Word documents is to use Word styles. The drop-down styles list in Word allows you to create true headings, as well as apply any previously-created custom style. For example, do not use the Enter key to add space between paragraphs. Instead, use the "Spacing Before" and "Spacing After" paragraph properties to achieve this effect.
Alternative text for images is the first principle of web accessibility
If you are editing the file as a native 2007 file (.docx, .pptx, .xlsx):
If the above solutions for Inserting ALT Text do not work or MS Word doesn't display the Size and Alt Text options:
Add the ALT Text button to your MS Word Quick Access Toolbar. This allows you to add ALT Text to any image, shape, picture, chart, graphic or object. To add the Alt Text button:
Once you have this Alt Text button in your Quick Access Toolbar, highlight the image in your document, choose the Alt Text Quick Access Toolbar button, and the Size pop-up menu will display allowing you to choose the Alt Text tab and enter alternate text for your image.
Use the Columns command in WORD to create columns. Don't use tabs to simulate double-column text. Use the Insert Table command or Draw Table tool in Word to create tables.
Add a brief but meaningful title to all Office docs. Use unique words and write in title case, (not ALL CAPS) This will help all users find your document using search.
Use the Document Information Panel to view or change the document properties.
If your document contains links to the web, test them to be sure they work properly. Also remove active links for commercial websites.
These are helpful tools for collaborative work, but remove them for web publication. more …
Keep size of Office files under 5 Megabytes. In particular, MS Word is notorious for creating unnecessarily large files. Large files are very slow to download, save and edit . These suggestions can help restrict and reduce your Word document sizes. (Note that some of these options also apply to Excel and PowerPoint.) read more >
Last Updated: March 14, 2018
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