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Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs

FY2019 Fund Code: 530

Afterschool and Out-of-School Time Quality Enhancements (ASOST-Q)

Funds Allocated:$2,519,020 (State)
Funds Requested:$3,380,453
Purpose: The purpose of this state funded grant program is to enhance out-of-school time (OST*) programs and services to improve the academic, physical, social, and emotional wellness of public and non-public school-age youth during the school year and the summer months.

Each applicant proposed grant activities in one of following categories:
  • Category A — Quality Enhancements: To support activities that enhance one or more of the quality criteria areas outlined in the Guidelines for Quality Enhancements in After-School and Out-of-School Time. These criteria provide a framework for balanced, quality programming that supports the academic, physical, social, and emotional development of participants.
  • Category B — Regional or Statewide Professional Development (PD): To provide PD and networking opportunities to meet identified needs of the OST field, particularly those receiving ASOST-Q, Category A funding.
*OST refers to after-school and out-of-school time programming (including vacations, weekends, before-school, and summer).

Number of Proposals Received:133
Number of Proposals Recommended:99
Number of Proposals Not Recommended:34
Result of Funding: A total of 99 organizations will receive funds to support quality enhancement activities in OST through three different grant categories. Grant awards range from $12,375 to $30,000. Approximately 15,000 students and 1,200 educators will benefit from these grants. Category A — Quality Enhancements: Ninety-five (95) organizations will implement quality enhancements to existing OST programming that will benefit over 15,000 students grades K–12. Activities supported through this grant will improve comprehensive academic and non-academic programming, strengthen partnerships, support participation of students with disabilities and English Language Learners in inclusive settings, increase family engagement, and build capacity in OST staff. Category B — Regional or Statewide Professional Development: Four (4) organizations (*indicated in the list below in italics and with an asterisk) will offer regional or statewide professional development to more than 1,200 OST educators and staff.

African Community Education (Worcester)$25,000
Artists For Humanity (Boston)25,000
Artspace Community Arts Center (String for Kids) (Greenfield)16,800
Attleboro Public Schools20,000
Barnstable Public Schools25,000
Berkshire Arts Charter (BART)25,000
Berkshire Hills Regional School District30,000
Berkshire South Regional Community Center27,500
Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center25,000
Boston Public Health Commission (BAHEC)30,000
Boys & Girls Club of Boston25,000
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke25,000
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Salem27,500
Boys & Girls Club of Greater Westfield25,000
Boys & Girls Club of Medford & Somerville / YMCA Malden25,000
Boys & Girls Club of MetroWest (Marlborough)20,530
Breakthrough Greater Boston25,000
Brockton Public Schools27,500
Brookview House, Inc. (Dorchester)27,500
Building Bridges Through Music, Inc. (Lynn)25,000
Cambridge Camping Association24,987
Cambridge Health Alliance25,000
Cambridge Housing Authority25,000
Cambridge School Volunteers Inc.25,000
Child Care of the Berkshires27,500
CitySprouts (Cambridge)25,000
Clark YMCA (Winchendon)25,000
Collaborative for Educational Services (Northampton)25,000
Community Art Center (Cambridge)25,000
E inc (Boston)25,000
East End House (Cambridge)25,000
Ellis Memorial and Eldredge House, Inc. (Boston)23,459
Everett Public Schools25,000
EVKids, Inc. (Dorchester)25,000
Family & Children's Service (Lynn)25,000
Family Health Center of Worcester, Inc.25,000
Family Service Association (Fall River)27,500
Family Services of Merrimack Valley24,529
For Kids Only (Salem)25,000
Framingham Public Schools25,000
Friends of the Hernandez (Roxbury)27,500
Girl Scouts Eastern MA 27,000
Girls Inc. of Holyoke30,000
Girls Inc. of Lynn25,000
Groundwork Lawrence29,999
Homework House Inc. (Holyoke)25,000
Housing Families (Malden)25,000
Imajine That (Lawrence)* — providing PD statewide18,228
Inquilinos Boricuas en Acción (IBA) (Boston)22,500
IS183 Art School of the Berkshires25,000
Jackson Mann Community Center (Allston)25,000
John P Holland Community Council (Dorchester)25,000
Josiah Quincy Orchestra Program (Boston)25,000
LEAP for Education (Salem)30,000
Lena Park Community Development Corporation (Dorchester)25,000
Little People's College (Fairhaven)25,000
Lowell Community Charter Public25,000
LUK Crisis Center, Inc (Fitchburg)25,000
Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House (Cambridge)25,000
Martin Luther King Jr. Family Services (Springfield)30,000
Mass Mentors (Holyoke)* — providing PD statewide25,000
Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership (Boston)* — providing PD statewide25,000
Massachusetts Audubon Society (Drumlin Farm) (Lincoln)25,000
Massachusetts College of Art and Design — Artward Bound (Boston)25,000
MetroWest YMCA (Framingham)30,000
Mothers for Justice and Equality, Inc. (Roxbury)27,500
Mystic Learning Center (Somerville)25,000
New American Center of Massachusetts (Lynn)25,000
New Bedford Art Museum (artWorks!)12,375
New Bedford Parks, Recreation & Beaches24,619
North Adams Public Schools25,000
North Brookfield Youth Center25,000
Pathways for Children (Gloucester)25,000
Phillips Brook House Association (Cambridge)24,950
Rainbow Child Development Center (Worcester)25,000
Regional Employment Board of Hampden County (Springfield)* — providing PD in Western, MA24,999
Robbins Children's Programs, Inc. (Attleboro)30,000
School on Wheels of Massachusetts (East Bridgewater)25,000
Sociedad Latina (Roxbury)25,000
South Shore STARS (Weymouth)25,000
Springfield Day Nursery d/b/a Square One (Springfield)25,000
Springfield Jewish Community Center25,000
Squash Busters (Lawrence)25,000
Steps to Success (Brookline)30,000
The Care Center (Holyoke)25,000
The Childrens Center of Faith United Methodist Church (Methuen)30,000
The Community Group (Lawrence)25,000
Triton Regional School District23,460
United South End Settlements (USES) (Boston)24,815
Upham's Corner Community Center (Bird Street) (Dorchester)27,500
Valley Opportunity Council at Montgomery Street (Chicopee)24,931
Wareham Public Schools27,500
West End House (Allston)22,000
Worcester State Foundation (Latino Education Institute at WSU)30,000
YMCA Metro North (Peabody)30,000
YMCA Northshore (Salem)25,000
YWCA Central MA (Worcester)27,000
YWCA Malden27,500
YWCA Southeastern MA — YWKids School Age Program (New Bedford)24,339
Total State Funds$2,519,020

Last Updated: September 26, 2018

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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