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FY2022 Final School Choice Tuition, June 2022

The school choice assessment and tuition amounts that will be incorporated into the June 30, 2022 local aid distribution have been finalized. On June 30th the State Treasurer's office will process the remaining portion of the annual assessments and tuition, net of the amounts paid in the monthly local aid distributions over the first eleven months of the fiscal year.

The district summary workbook lists all receiving and sending districts' enrollment and tuition amounts for the year. This year there were 17,414 full-time equivalent pupils participating, including 13,631 school choice students and 3,783 students enrolled in one of the two Commonwealth virtual schools, with total tuition amounting to $122,079,330. After incorporating $314,473 in adjustments to FY21 tuition, the net tuition statewide is $121,764,857. There were 188 receiving school districts including the two virtual schools and 313 sending districts.

The regular day school choice tuition rate is $5,000 per student for school districts and $8,788 per student for Commonwealth virtual schools, including a $75 per student administrative fee. An incremental cost is also added to the tuition for each special education student reflecting the additional cost of the services that they are receiving. This amount is determined using the same methodology for specific services that is used for the special education circuit breaker program.

Sending and receiving districts should review their final school choice rosters and tuition amounts for each student. The rosters are now available the School Choice Rosters and Claim Forms application on the Department's Security Portal. The reports include each student's name, enrollment dates, program, tuition and other information. District staff should click the request edit(s) button on their sending or receiving roster if they find any errors so that we can follow-up and make any necessary adjustments in FY23.

If you have any questions, please email .

Last Updated: June 24, 2022

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