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Circuit Breaker Annual Claim Cycle

The Circuit Breaker Program provides reimbursements to district through two annual claim cycles: Year-End claims and Extraordinary Relief. Important dates are included in the Superintendent's Checklist annually.

Year-End Circuit Breaker Claims

Year-end claims are filed by districts in July for the previous fiscal year, and all districts with per-student expenditures above the threshold are encouraged to participate in this cycle. Reimbursements are paid quarterly in the fiscal year after expenses are incurred.

Money received through quarterly reimbursement from year-end claiming cannot be carried forward more than one fiscal year. For example, FY2024 reimbursements must be spent in FY2024 and/or FY2025, and cannot be carried into FY2026.

Year-End Claim Timeline
Services ProvidedClaims Submitted by DistrictReimbursement Paid to District
FY 2023July 2023Quarterly during FY 2024
FY 2024July 2024Quarterly during FY 2025
FY 2025July 2025Quarterly during FY 2026
FY 2026July 2026Quarterly during FY 2027
FY 2027July 2027Quarterly during FY 2028
FY 2028July 2028Quarterly during FY 2029

Extraordinary Relief

Extraordinary Relief is available to districts experiencing a steep increase in districtwide Circuit Breaker eligible tuition and instruction expenses (not including transportation) from one year to the next. Districts spending 125% or more in the current fiscal year (including projections through fiscal year-end) than was spent in these categories in the previous fiscal year can claim Extraordinary Relief. Qualifying districts submit Extraordinary Relief claims in March and reimbursements are paid in May.

Money received through Extraordinary Relief reimbursement must be spent in the same fiscal year in which it was received. For example, extraordinary relief received by a district in May 2024 must be spent in FY2024 and cannot be carried into FY2025.

Extraordinary Relief Timeline
Services ProvidedNotice of Intent to File Claim DueClaims Submitted by DistrictReimbursement Paid to District
FY 2023February 2023March 2023May 2023
FY 2024February 2024March 2024May 2024
FY 2025February 2025March 2025May 2025
FY 2026February 2026March 2026May 2026
FY 2027February 2027March 2027May 2027
FY 2028February 2028March 2028May 2028

Last Updated: July 19, 2023

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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