FY2020 End of Year Financial Report (EOYR) workbooks are currently available in the MassEdu Gateway.
We encourage school officials completing the FY2020 EOYR to contact DESE about any technical difficulties they encounter (downloading and uploading, macros, printing, cell references, etc). If such problems are confirmed, this document will identify them and explain how to correct them if necessary.
Edit 5, on the edits tab, is not capturing function codes 2453 (Instructional Hardware — All Other) & 2455 (Instructional Software — All Other) in Schedule 1. If you are reporting Special Education (column 2) expenditures in those function codes on Schedules 1 and the corresponding expenditures on Schedule 4, edit 5 will not clear. We will correct this when you submit your report.
The pupil transportation amounts on Schedule 1, line 140, column 5, are not correct if your district received non-resident vocational transportation reimbursement. We will correct these amounts when you submit your report. You can find the correct total pupil transportation amounts in Column J, on the "Non Res Voc" tab, of the final FY2020 Transportation Reimbursements .
Schedule 1, section C.2, Lines 2930 & 3048 (Transportation Services and Transportation to Non-Public Schools, function codes 3300 & 6900), column 7, Circuit Breaker, is locked and currently not available to be reported on. Because Out of District transportation is now a claimable cost through Circuit Breaker, Districts can report expenditures on Out of District Transportation using CB funds. Please record any Out of District Transportation expenditures from Circuit Breaker funding in the comments tab. Once we receive your file, we will unlock the cell and report the expenditure correctly.
The validation check on the excess cost tab for IDEA, Part B expenditures does not include IDEA expenditures from Schedule 1.C.2 (IDEA FC 240 Federal Grants) so the check will not clear. Once we receive your file, we will unlock the cell and update the formula.
On excel row 239, of the reports tab, column F, Charter Transportation FY2020 EOY (FY2021 Sch 19), the formula is incorrect. It should only be referencing cell J1169 on the EOY worksheet and not J1167, J1168, & J1169. Once we receive your file, we will unlock the cell and update the formula.
On the FY2020 net school spending (NSS) table on the reports tab, the phase-in percentage being applied to Retired Employee Insurance (5250) for districts that did not include retired employee health insurance expenditures in Schedule 19 on their FY1993 End-of-Year Reports is incorrect. The percentage should be 39%, not 29%, see cells C18 and D18. Once we receive your file, we will update the formula with the correct percentage.
On excel row 110, of the report tab, column E (FY2019 data), Extraordinary Maintenance (4300) (line 1990, col 6), the data being reported by DESE in incorrect. It is incorrectly referencing line 1979, Maintenance of School Equipment (4230). Once we receive your file, we will unlock the cell and update the formula with the correct data.
Last Updated: January 13, 2021
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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