Every six years, each school district in the Commonwealth is scheduled for a program monitoring review of their Title IA, Title IIA, Title IIIA, and Title IVA federal grant programs authorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Note that districts undergo a review of these programs in the same year they are scheduled for Integrated Monitoring Review of other federal grant programs and state requirements by the Public School Monitoring group (PSM) at the Department. The timing of action steps for ESSA grant monitoring by the Federal Grant Programs group is as follows:
The information below is arranged for the purpose of collecting and organizing documentation for Title IA, Title IIA, Title IIIA, and Title IVA grant program monitoring; however, even if a district is not scheduled for a monitoring review they may be of assistance in operating an effective program.
2024-25 Federal Grant (Titles I, IIA, IVA) Programs Monitoring Procedures
Process for Differentiating ESSA Reviews
Submission 1: Needs Assessment Procedure
Submission 2: Sample Offer of Consultation to Eligible Non-Public Schools — Title I only
Submission 2: Sample Offer of Consultation to Eligible Non-Public Schools — Tites I, IIA, III, and IVA
Submission 3: Affirmation of Consultation and Agreement with Participating Non-Public School Officials under ESSA
Submission 4: Requirements for Third Party Provider Contracts for the Delivery of Services to Private Schools
Submission 5: Resources on Equitable Access to Excellent Educators
Submission 6: Comparability Procedure
Submission 7: Comparability Reporting Overview
Submission 7: Title I Comparability Instructions & Automated Forms
Submission 8: District and school-level family/guardian engagement policies
Submission 9: School- family/guardian compact
Submission 10: No samples available, see Monitoring Procedures for description.
Submission 11: Report Card Cover Letter and Right-to-Request (English)
Submission 12: Right-To-Know: Teacher Not Meeting State Licensure Requirements
Submission 13: Program Evaluation Procedure
Submission 13: ESSA Program Evaluation Workbook
Submission 14: Program Evaluation Summary
Submission 15: Targeted Assistance Program Plan/Use of Funds in Targeted Assistance Schools
Submission 16: About Title I Schoolwide Programs
Submission 17: Student Selection Procedure
Submission 18: Student Selection Criteria Sheet
Submission 19: Rank-Ordered Student Selection List of Title I Students in Targeted Assistance Programs
Submission 20: Neglected or delinquent (N or D) facility coordination — fund use and outcomes achieved
Listing of districts monitored from FY20–FY25
Notification of Monitoring
Detailed Findings by District
Notification of Required Action(s)
Notification of Completion
Last Updated: February 24, 2025