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Massachusetts Family Literacy Consortium (MFLC)

Public Service Announcements (PSA)

The Massachusetts Family Literacy Consortium has produced a series of public service announcements (PSA) with male and female voiceovers in English and Spanish. The announcements are presented in two sections according to the intended use of the PSA: Referrals to Literacy Hotline and Tips for Parents and Caregivers. Files and transcripts may be downloaded for use in local communities.


  1. To provide information and awareness about the value and benefit of family literacy.
  2. To increase public awareness and use of the Adult and Family Literacy Hotline. The Massachusetts Adult and Family Literacy Hotline is a toll-free number manned by bilingual Spanish-English staff. It connects parents and interested parties to local family literacy programs and refers potential family literacy providers, policy makers, and other interested parties to resources as well as to information about the Massachusetts Family Literacy Consortium.

Section One: Referrals to Literacy Hotline

Audience: Potential providers, policy makers, schools, parents, and caregivers

  1. Benefits of Family Literacy (20 seconds)
    Family literacy supports parents as their child's first teacher, helps families grow stronger, prepares children for school success, and helps families attain self-sufficiency. For more information, call 1-800-447-8844.

    Leer y escribir en familia ayuda a padres a ser los primeros maestros de sus hijos, prepara a los niños para que tengan éxito en la escuela, ayuda a familias a ser independientes y unidas. Para mayor información, llame al 1-800-447-8844.

  2. Parents Helping Children (30 seconds)
    "Learning to read and write is the best gift I've ever given my children." Danny James is a 33 year old mother. Five years ago, she decided to change her life by attending adult literacy classes. She'll never forget the day she was first able to help her daughter with her homework. "For the first time I was really there for her." Literacy, it's a whole new world. For more information, please call 1-800-447-8844. Hotline funded by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

    Maria es una madre de 33 años. Cinco años atrás ella decidió cambiar su vida asistiendo a clases para aprender a leer y escribir. Ella nunca olvidará el primer día que pudo ayudar a su hija con las tareas de la escuela. "Por primera vez sentí que realmente estuve al lado de mi hija para poder ayudarla con todas sus tareas escolares." Obtenga más información sobre este programa llamando al teléfono 1-800-447-8844. Un servicio del Departamento de Educación de Massachusetts.

Section Two: Tips for Parents and Caregivers

Audience: Parents and caregivers

  1. Libraries (20 seconds)
    Did you know that parents are their child's first and most important teachers? Become partners in your child's education. Celebrate family literacy by making regular visits with your child to your local library. This tip is brought to you by the Massachusetts Family Literacy Consortium.

    ¿Sabía que los padres son los primeros y más importantes maestros de sus hijos? Celebre leer y escribir con sus hijos visitando su biblioteca local. Este es un mensaje del Consorcio del Lectoescritura Familiar de Massachusetts.

  2. Everyday Activities (25 seconds)
    Did you know parents are their child's first and most important teachers? Here are some quick and easy things that you can do together to bring reading and learning into everyday activities: making shopping lists, reading signs and labels at the grocery store, counting money, measuring and reading recipes while cooking. This tip is brought to you by the Massachusetts Family Literacy Consortium.

    ¿Sabía que los padres son los primeros y más importantes maestros de sus hijos? Hay cosas divertidas y fáciles que puede hacer para ayudar a sus hijos a aprender a leer y escribir. Haga una lista de compras, lea avisos y envases de alimentos en el supermercado, cuente el dinero. Este es un mensaje del Consorcio de Lectoescritura Familiar de Massachusetts.

Last Updated: March 2, 2001

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

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