I am pleased to announce that Governor Baker has issued a Proclamation declaring November 2015 as Family Literacy Month. This year, the 19th year Massachusetts is celebrating the role families play in fostering children's literacy, we continue to highlight how parents, schools, and community partners support children in the development of literacy skills that ensure reading proficiency and academic success.
Schools, libraries, adult learning centers, early education and care programs, parent support programs, social service agencies, and businesses across the state provide organized family activities during November, including storytelling, family math nights, readings by authors and community leaders, interactive sing-a-longs, and creating books and bookmarks. I encourage you to share this information with your staff and community partners and take advantage of the resources mentioned below.
Governor Baker's 2015 Proclamation of Family Literacy and Early Literacy Month
The Department of Early Education and Care's Resources for Early Learning web page
The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioner's web page(Enter your community's name or ZIP code in the upper right-hand corner to find family activities and other library resources during the month of November and all year long.)
The U. S. Department of Education's Countdown to School Success web page
The U.S. Department of Education's Parents web page
The National Center for Families Learning's 30 Days of Families Learning Together calendar
Last Updated: November 3, 2015
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