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English Learner Education

Resolving Common Findings for ELE 5

ELE Tiered Focused Monitoring data reveals that in a typical TFM cycle up to 65% of districts receive a finding of noncompliance with criterion ELE 5: Program, Placement, and Structure. ELE 5 covers vital components of an effective ELE program including ESL curriculum, benchmarking requirements, staffing, and student outcomes, so it is a high leverage point to improve outcomes for multilingual students, particularly English Learners (ELs).

In response to this data and to requests from the field, OLA has created the infographics below to support district and school staff (ELE program leaders, instructional staff, and support staff) in understanding how various DESE and OLA resources are aligned to components of ELE 5. These resources are designed to support their work to achieve compliance with ELE 5 and improve ELE programs, whether in response to a TFM finding or to a self-identified area that needs improvement.

Each infographic correlates to a specific component within ELE 5 and houses resources specific to that component, such as findings language, Castañeda prongs, sample action plans (for various sized EL populations and contexts), and resources from OLA, DESE and WIDA, including the Blueprint for English Learner Success with applicable pillars and building blocks highlighted. These resources can be used by districts to identify what aspects of their programs are being implemented in compliance with ELE 5 and how to improve the aspects that are not in compliance.

Last Updated: June 6, 2023

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