Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
English Learner Education

Blueprint for English Learner Success

Pillar 4: A Plan for Future Success

From the Vision: English learners thrive in high school and graduate with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be successful in college and/or a career of their choice, and to contribute to civic life in a global community.

Building Block 2: Graduating college and/or career ready

Level: School

  • School administrators design a range of courses appropriate for a variety of post-secondary options; prerequisites do not serve as unnecessary obstacles to ELs' pursuing courses of interest

  • School leaders celebrate educators who successfully support ELs to graduate and pursue their desired post-secondary options.

  • School administrators ensure that educators responsible for advising students on post-secondary options focus on supporting ELs to reach their highest potential and ensure that ELs and their non-EL peers have equal access to counseling/post-secondary planning support.

Last Updated: June 2, 2020

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