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English Learner Education

Blueprint for English Learner Success

Pillar 3: Opportunity and Support

From the Vision: English learners have equitable access to meaningful and rigorous learning opportunities that build on their cultural and linguistic assets and the academic, linguistic, social, and emotional supports they need to excel.

Building Block 1: Meaningful and rigorous learning opportunities that build on English learners' assets

Level: Classroom

  • Educators encourage ELs at all English proficiency levels to participate in rigorous, grade-appropriate courses that build on their cultural and linguistic assets. ELs should have equal opportunity to meaningfully participate in all programs and activities, including advanced courses such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, early college, and dual enrollment courses.

  • Educators collaborate with school administrators to create and adhere to ELs' schedules that ensure no disruption to core content instruction or ESL, two mandated instructional components in ELE programs.

  • Educators use appropriate formative and summative assessments to provide rigorous learning experiences to ELs that accelerate their progress toward mastery of content standards and English language proficiency.

Last Updated: June 2, 2020

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