English Learner Education

Blueprint for English Learner Success

Pillar 2: Access to Educators

From the Vision: English learners are taught by effective, well-prepared, and culturally responsive educators who hold them to high standards and have the materials and professional learning they need to advance students' academic and linguistic development simultaneously.

Building Block 1: Effective, well-prepared, and culturally responsive educators

Level: Classroom

  • Educators differentiate instruction to respond to the educational backgrounds and English proficiency levels of their ELs.

  • Educators draw upon their training and preparation to teach culturally and linguistically diverse students using research-based best practices (e.g., using specific content and pedagogical knowledge learned in the SEI endorsement course and other EL-related professional development).

  • Educators create classroom spaces in which ELs of all cultures feel supported to learn and succeed (e.g., choosing content that reflects and respects various cultures; displaying pictures, books, labels, and other information from various cultures; encouraging all students to learn languages commonly spoken by their EL peers).

Last Updated: June 2, 2020