English Learner Education

Blueprint for English Learner Success

Pillar 1: School Culture

From the Vision: English learners in Massachusetts attend schools in which all educators share responsibility for their success, engage effectively with their families, and value and nurture their linguistic and cultural assets.

Building Block 3: Asset-based teaching and learning

Level: Classroom

  • Educators know their students and deliver instruction that reflects their cultures, families, and experiences, such that it promotes student success with rigorous content.

  • Educators value bilingualism, biliteracy, and programs in their school that lead to proficiency in English and other languages.

  • Educators empower ELs by providing instruction that leverages their cultures, families, and experiences and supports them to take academic and linguistic risks (e.g., reducing teacher talk and increasing student conversation, leadership opportunities, and cooperative learning).

Last Updated: June 2, 2020