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Educator Evaluation

Professional Learning Network for Supporting Evaluator Capacity

In 2014-15 DESE brought together eight districts to form a Professional Learning Network (PLN) for Supporting Evaluator Capacity. These PLN districts engaged in a deep partnership with each other and DESE to develop and/or refine strategies related to supporting the capacity of their evaluators.

  • On Track with Evaluator Capacity
    This interactive document tells the story of the PLN, complete with specific strategies, lessons learned, and links to district-created resources. Explore the document freely — the tabs and buttons make for easy navigation — and find all of the reference materials below.

Berkshire Hills Regional School District


Erving School Union 28


Greater Lawrence Technical School


Hadley Public Schools


  • Educator Evaluation Teacher Feedback Survey.
    This survey was distributed to teachers at the beginning of the school year to assess what types of concerns teachers had with the implementation of the educator evaluation system.

  • Teacher Evaluation Handbook — Draft
    The purpose of this document is to guide Hadley Public School educators through the evaluation process while providing a framework for thinking about evaluation.

Marblehead Community Charter School


Monson Public Schools


Northbridge Public Schools


Weymouth Public Schools


Education Delivery Institute

  • EDI Assessment Framework.
    This document contains EDI's Assessment Framework, which is a set of common criteria for measuring the progress of any strategy or initiative. The criteria are centered on one crucial question: What is the likelihood of delivery?

  • EDI Assessment Framework Guide.
    This document explains the purpose of EDI's Assessment Framework, includes a sample output of the framework, and provides a detailed exercise guide to carry out the process.

Cross-Site Visit Toolbox

As part of the Professional Learning Network for Supporting Evaluator Capacity, PLN districts were paired up and conducted cross-site visits - the experience was considered one of the most valuable and dynamic aspects of the PLN experience as an opportunity to both share and receive feedback on evaluation practices and systems. The tools below can be adapted by pairs of districts interested in facilitating cross-site visits of their own.

Last Updated: August 5, 2015

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