Educator Evaluation

Calibrating Feedback: A Model for Establishing Consistent Expectations of Educator Practice

Adapted from the Massachusetts Candidate Assessment of Performance

Massachusetts has developed a new Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) for use in all approved educator preparation programs. CAP is aligned to the MA Educator Evaluation Framework and employs the same 5-step cycle and categories of evidence. The following workshop is adapted from training materials released to preparation programs to support CAP, and is designed as a calibration activity that can be used with evaluators and/or educators.

Key Components:

  • Applicable to both announced and unannounced observations
  • Aligned to the DESE Model Rubrics (districts may customize the training in accordance with priority elements of their choice)
  • Incorporates videos from DESE's Calibration Video Library
  • Observation protocol can be easily customized to work with whatever protocol is in use in your district

Last Updated: December 1, 2015