Educator Evaluation

Massachusetts Model System for Educator Evaluation

The Model System is a comprehensive educator evaluation system designed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), pursuant to the educator evaluation regulation, 603 CMR 35.00. The six-part series support effective implementation of the regulations by districts and schools across the Commonwealth.

Updated in 2019, the Model System for Educator Evaluation is aligned to the 2017 regulatory amendments that removed the Student Impact Rating and added the Student Learning Indicator to the Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching and Administrative Leadership ( 603 CMR 35.00 ). Together with the updated performance rubrics, the following guides for teacher, principal, and superintendent evaluation include:

  • streamlined implementation strategies,
  • evaluator calibration resources,
  • thoughtful approaches to evidence collection, and
  • the removal of redundant content, resulting in a model system that is 30% shorter with fewer forms.

Massachusetts Model System for Educator Evaluation: Overview

  • Educator Evaluation Learning Module
    This interactive learning module provides evaluators and administrators with a comprehensive overview of the MA Educator Evaluation Framework, including resources and guidance for implementing the Model System.

  • Massachusetts Model System for Educator Evaluation: Overview
    The Overview outlines the regulatory requirements pertaining to educator evaluation and offers district leaders a resource to support continuous improvement and effective implementation of the educator evaluation framework. The guide outlines the key feature of the MA Educator Evaluation Framework, practical requirements and considerations, and recommendations and guidance for effective implementation.

Evaluating Teachers and Specialized Instructional Support Personnel

  • Evaluating Teachers and Specialized Instructional Support Personnel
    This Guide supports administrators and teachers as they implement the model process for teacher evaluation. It offers guidance, strategies, best practices, and examples for each of the five components of the evaluation cycle: self-assessment; goal setting and educator plan development; plan implementation and evidence collection; formative assessment/evaluation; and summative evaluation.

Evaluating Principals and School-Level Administrators

  • Evaluating Principals and School-Level Administrators
    This Guide details the model process for principal evaluation. It offers guidance, strategies, best practices, and examples for each of the five components of the evaluation cycle: self-assessment; goal setting and educator plan development; plan implementation and evidence collection; formative assessment/evaluation; and summative evaluation. The Guide also includes new resources related to effective school-site visits.

Evaluating Superintendents and District-Level Administrators

  • Evaluating Superintendents and District-Level Administrators
    This section details the model process for superintendent evaluation and includes relevant documents and a form for recording goals, evidence and ratings. The Guide includes strategies that school committees and superintendents may find helpful, including guidance around organizing the process, establishing meaningful communication channels, and establishing effective goals and an Indicator-focused evaluation process.

Model Collective Bargaining Contract Language

  • Model Collective Bargaining Contract Language
    This section contains Model contract language that is consistent with the regulations for evaluating Teachers (Unit A) and Administrators (Unit B). Also included are Considerations for Collective Bargaining related to Student & Staff Feedback.

Guide to Rubrics and Model Rubrics

  • Guide to Rubrics and Model Rubrics
    This Guide describes the structure and purpose of the four model rubrics and outlines a process for adapting them as needed. The four DESE Model Rubrics and additional resources are available on the Rubrics page.

Last Updated: September 18, 2020