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Educator Evaluation

Educator Preparation

This video is an introduction to the Frameworks for Inclusive Practice.

Nearly one-fifth of the students in Massachusetts public schools receive special education services. Approximately 60% of those students spend the majority of their school days in classrooms with their non-disabled peers. Beginning teachers, regardless of licensure and placement, will invariably be working with students with diverse needs. The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has provided guidance around inclusive practice with the Guidebook for Inclusive Practice. The Guidebook tools are valuable resources for providers preparing the next-generation of teachers, especially because of their alignment to the MA Educator Evaluation Framework and the 2014 Professional Standards for Teachers. In collaboration with higher education faculty, the Department is pleased to offer a three-hour sample lesson sharing evidence-based best practices for inclusion designed to meet the needs of teacher candidates in all licensure areas.

Use of these lesson materials are optional. Educator preparation faculty may find them useful in ensuring that all teacher candidates have training in strategies for effective inclusive schooling for children with disabilities, instruction of students with diverse learning styles and classroom organization and management. The content in this module and the tools of the Guidebook will provide teacher candidates with practical experience in applying evidence-based strategies for inclusive practice.

Last Updated: June 26, 2017

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