Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Educator Evaluation

Five-Step Cycle

The goal of the 5-Step Cycle of evaluation is to provide educators with a continuous opportunity for professional growth and development through self-directed analysis and reflection, planning, action steps, and collaboration. Regular, constructive feedback from the evaluator, coupled with opportunities to reflect on and improve practice, drive the cycle from beginning to end. This is the nature of continuous improvement.

Cycle of Continuous Improvement


Educators analyze student data, reflect on their performance, and propose a minimum of one student learning goal and one professional practice goal individually and/or in teams.

  • Form: Self-Assessment and Goal-Setting Form

Goal Setting & Plan Development

Educators and evaluators refine goals as needed, identify measures for evaluating impact on student learning, and develop Educator Plans.

  • Forms: Self-Assessment and Goal Setting Form; Educator Plan Form

Plan Implementation

Educators pursue attainment of goals and collect evidence of practice. Evaluators provide feedback, ensure timely access to planned supports, and collect evidence of educator performance and progress toward goals.

  • Form: Observation Evidence Collection Tool

Formative Assessment/Evaluation

Evaluators assess educator progress towards attaining goals set forth in the Educator Plan and performance on Standards.

  • Forms: Formative Assessment/Evaluation Form (Teachers/SISP); Mid-Cycle Goals Progress Report and Formative Assessment/Evaluation Form (School-level Admin)

Summative Evaluation

Evaluators analyze evidence of the educator’s performance on Standards and evidence of goal attainment to arrive at a rating on each Standard and overall.

  • Forms: Summative Evaluation Form (Teachers/SISP); End-of-Cycle Progress Report Form and Summative Evaluation Form (School-level Admin); Summative Evaluation Form (Superintendent)

Last Updated: July 29, 2020

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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