The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)1 requires states and districts to designate teachers as "in-field" or "out-of-field" for the courses they are teaching. To accomplish this, the Department has developed a "Mapping Tool" that links educator licenses to courses. We are soliciting input on the in-field designations in the tool over the 2018-19 school year. At the end of the year we will review feedback and revise the tool accordingly.
The interactive MA Educator License Mapping Tool shows which courses are in-field for which teacher licenses. The Mapping Tool displays the linkages from license to course and from course to license. Users can also view the number of students enrolled in each type of course statewide.
Teachers who teach multiple classes in the same school year may be in-field for some classes and out-of-field for others. Please note that this designation does not change the Massachusetts licensure regulation 7.15(9)(a) that district educators must be licensed and that a licensed educator "may be employed for a maximum of 20 percent of his/her time in a role and/or at a level for which s/he does not hold a license."
1 Sec. 1111(g)(1)(B) and Sec. 1111(h)(C)(ix)
Last Updated: September 10, 2024