Strategic Initiatives

Teacher Diversification Professional Learning Community

Since October 2019, the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has developed and implemented the Teacher Diversification Professional Learning Community (TDPLC) — formerly the Diversity Network. The implementation of this professional development opportunity has been guided by the theory of action below:

Diagram: An increased focus on cultural proficiency and talent strategy leads to recruitment and retention of a more diverse workforce, and, ultimately, improved, culturally responsive, educational experiences and improved outcomes for all students, particularly students of color.

Guiding Principles

Through participation in the TDPLC schools and districts will focus on a range of components that are critical for a strategic approach to the recruitment, selection, and retention of staff of color. Embedded in the theory of action referenced above are several guiding principles that will ground the work of the TDPLC.

  • Vision: Designing an effective strategy to diversify the teacher workforce must be grounded in a clear vision of "why" a more diverse teacher workforce is connected to equity for students, particularly students of color.
  • Cultural Proficiency: Reaching the goals of a talent diversification strategy requires ongoing work, across school and district staff, toward cultural proficiency.
  • Data: The diversification strategy must be based in a range of qualitative and quantitative data sources including stakeholder experience data.
  • Continuous Improvement: Effective talent practices are not stagnant and can always be improved; the strategy should reflect systems and structures that allow for ongoing data review, reflection, and refinements.

2024-2025 Program Information

The TDPLC will engage in a hybrid format of 9 sessions that will launch in person on October 21, 2024! If you are interested in joining please complete this interest form.

School and district teams should comprise the following representatives:

  • One Teacher Representative
  • One Principal Representative
  • HR Director or Assistant Director
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Director (or other similar position)
  • District Office Leader

Last Updated: July 15, 2024