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Office of the Commissioner

Student Opportunity Act (SOA) Plans

SOA Plan Deadline: Commissioner Riley has extended the deadline for school districts and charter schools to submit Student Opportunity Act (SOA) plans to Friday, January 15, 2021.

The Student Opportunity Act (SOA) implements the recommendations of the 2015 Foundation Budget Review Commission and includes other provisions to benefit our public schools.

As part of the SOA, districts are required to submit three-year, evidence-based plans aimed at closing persistent disparities in achievement among student subgroups. Application guidance, samples, and templates are located below.

Districts expected to receive less than $1.5 million in incremental Chapter 70 funds in FY21 will fill out a "short form" template. Districts expected to receive over $1.5 million in incremental Chapter 70 funds in FY21 will fill out a "long form" template that will require additional information, particularly concerning their budgets.

We are asking for short, succinct plan documents, even for districts using the long form.

Guidance Materials and Plan Template

Last Updated: May 18, 2021

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