Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Massachusetts Charter Schools

Contact by Topic

Accountability RenewalPatrick Buckwalter Patrick.L.Buckwalter@mass.gov781.338.3208
Board Member Management System

Data tools (e.g. CHART and Financial Dashboard)
James DiMaio James.DiMaio2@mass.gov781.338.3228
Charter Applications

Charter Amendments subject to BESE approval (expansions) or
Commissioner approval (e.g. bylaws and enrollment policies)
Alyssa Hopkins Alyssa.K.Hopkins@mass.gov781.338.3219
Expulsion Policies

Special Education and English learner programming
Melissa Gordon Melissa.Gordon@mass.gov781.338.3209

Joanna Laghetto Joanna.C.Laghetto@mass.gov781.338.3221
General Inquiries and Public Records RequestsLee DeLorenzo LeeE.DeLorenzo@mass.gov781.338.3224
Opening ProceduresBrenton Stewart Brenton.Stewart@mass.gov781.338.3214
Office of Charter Schools and School Redesign, DirectorAlison Bagg 781.338.3218

Last Updated: April 7 2020

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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