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Office of College, Career and Technical Education

CCR Data Resources

Using DESE's College Readiness Tools

DESE provides several college and career readiness data tools that educators may use to build understanding, set goals, and make decisions. Use these short instructional videos to learn where to find enrollment, dropout, graduation and college success trends and early warning risk data for your current and former students.

Virtual Learning LinkTopicDescription
  • Where to find these resources
  • Enrollment trends
Navigate through the DESE website to find these resources and use them to understand enrollment trends for a school or district.
  • Graduation Rate
  • Dropout Rate
Find graduation rates and dropout rates for a school or district. See them over time, and compare to other schools or districts.
  • High School Ready
  • Middle School Ready
  • Reading by the End of 3rd Grade
Find the rates of students meeting three academic milestones relevant for students in grades 1–9. See these over time and compare to other schools or districts.
Postsecondary outcomes Understand how past graduates have done in postsecondary education.
Early Warning Indicator System Find Early Warning data and identify understand who is at risk of missing upcoming academic milestones.

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Last Updated: August 13, 2018

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