Masonry is a skilled trade involving the artistry and skilled craftsmanship of brickwork, stonework, tiling, and related construction techniques.
Through projects and work-based experiences, students learn how to build and restore brick and stone foundations, walls, paving and other architectural elements, as well as how to design and install different types of tile. Principles of safety, project planning and design are important aspects of the curriculum. Students also gain experience installing and using ladders and scaffolding, reading blueprints, and estimating costs. Students also learn to follow Massachusetts building codes.
Some schools offer State-Approved (Chapter-74) programs in Masonry. These programs provide all of the training required to begin entry-level work in the field. Other schools may offer a more condensed version of this training, which has been designed at the local level. This is known as Non-Chapter 74 or "Perkins-Only." Learn more about the difference between State-Approved and Local CTE programs.
More Information: Program Overview (PDF)
Videos (In English)
Last Updated: October 3, 2024
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
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