At the meeting of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (Board) on September 24, 2019, I will ask your approval to solicit public comment on a proposed amendment to the Regulations on MCAS and the Competency Determination (603 CMR 30.00).
In February 2018, the Board voted to approve amendments to the regulations that established an interim passing standard for the competency determination (CD) for students in the classes of 2021 and 2022, the first two classes to take the new, next-generation grade 10 MCAS tests in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. The interim standard on the next-generation tests is defined as a similar level of achievement to the current required standard on the legacy tests: 240 (Proficient), or 220 (Needs Improvement) and the fulfillment of the requirements of an Educational Proficiency Plan (EPP) in ELA and mathematics.
The proposed change to the regulations would extend that interim passing standard for one additional year to the class of 2023. I am recommending this extension in recognition of several factors, including the following:
The following table shows how the recommended change to the regulations would apply to the classes of 2021 through 2024.
With the Board's approval, the Department will solicit public comment on the proposed amendment. After reviewing any comments that are received and determining whether further changes are needed, I plan to bring the amended regulations back to the Board in December 2019 for final adoption.
In the meantime, I will be returning to you in October 2019 to present a proposed timeline and plan for establishing the requirements for the new CD standard beginning with the class of 2024.
A redlined version of the regulations is attached, along with a motion to solicit public comment on the proposed amendment. Associate Commissioner Michol Stapel and Lucy Wall of our legal staff will join us for the discussion on September 24.
Redlined version of proposed amendment to 603 CMR 30.00
Motion to solicit public comment
Last Updated: September 16, 2019