aMAzing Educators

Kairos | Mapping Our Way Forward

2019 Statewide Conference to Reimagine K-12 Public Education in Massachusetts

Convened by Commissioner Jeffrey C. Riley, Kairos was an all-day conference held on Tuesday, March 19 at the University of Massachusetts Amherst's Campus Center.

Stakeholders from across the state helped shape an early blueprint of how the Massachusetts education community can realign political, regulatory, and financial structures to support stronger, more engaging instruction for all students.

You can watched the livestreamed sessions below.


Sessions that were livestreamed are in bold.

8:00Registration and Coffee
8:30Student Performance [Livestreamed]
8:45Welcome and Opening Remarks [Livestreamed]
9:15Student Performance [Livestreamed]
9:30Keynote [Livestreamed]
10:30Student Performance [Livestreamed]
10:40Subarctic Survival Intro
11:45Breakout Sessions [Biopsy Simulation] [Livestreamed]
12:30Lunch and Student Performance
1:30Breakout Sessions [Big Dig (Tonka Trucks)] [Livestreamed]
2:15Breakout Sessions [Educator Workforce Diversity] [Livestreamed]
3:10Subarctic Survival Debrief
3:45What's Next? [Livestreamed]
4:30Closing Remarks and Student Performance [Livestreamed]

Plenary Sessions

Breakout Sessions

Last Updated: April 3, 2019