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District and School Accountability

Leadership & Governance

The following analysis, review, and assistance tools are designed to support district and school leaders in the area of leadership and governance, one of the six district standards upon which district reviews, improvement planning, and other forms of accountability and assistance are based. This standard encompasses the following indicators: focused school committee governance, effective district and school leadership, district and school improvement planning, educationally sound budget development, and effective district systems for school support and intervention.

District Data Team Toolkit

The Toolkit helps districts establish, grow, and maintain a culture of inquiry and data use that can inform decisions that impact teaching and learning, and ultimately improve the achievement of all students. It is designed to assist in the establishment of a District Data Team-a cadre of staff who is collectively responsible for the technical, organizational, and substantive aspects of data use. These Team members must be data literate and able to lead the collaborative inquiry process with both district and school staff. The Toolkit is designed around a theory of action, the Data-Driven Inquiry and Action Cycle, which provides a foundation for effective data use.

Last Updated: October 1, 2018

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
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