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21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Grant Program (Federally funded through ESSA Title IVB - Fund Code 647)

Survey of Academic Youth Outcomes: SAYO Evaluation System

The Survey of Academic Youth Outcomes (SAYO) captures changes in youth in academics and social emotional learning (SEL) that are associated with participation in a high-quality 21st CCLC programs and likely to occur over a one-year period.

Dr. Beth M. Miller and Wendy B. Surr of the National Institute on Out-of-School Time worked with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education over a three-year period to develop the SAYO. Results from two rounds of field-testing with over 5,000 students indicate that the SAYO is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring change in youth. The system exceeded scientifically accepted levels for both boys and girls at early elementary, later elementary, and middle school ages. In addition, program results indicated statistically significant, positive changes in most outcome areas.

What is the SAYO and how does it work?

The SAYO uses brief pre-participation and post-participation surveys to collect data from school day teachers, 21st CCLC program staff, and participating youth. The SAYO System is based on a "menu" approach, in which programs collect data on those outcomes that are aligned with their goals and program practices.

SAYO-Teacher (SAYO-T) and Staff (SAYO-S) Outcomes

  • Homework/Learning Skills (SAYO-T only)
  • Critical Thinking
  • Self Regulation
  • Leadership
  • Perseverance
  • Relationships with Adults

SAYO-Youth (SAYO-Y) Outcomes

  • Program Experiences: Enjoyment/Engagement, Challenge, Choice/Autonomy, Perceptions of Social Environment, Support Relationships, Responsibility and Leadership
  • Sense of Competence: Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Getting Along with Others
  • Future Expectations: Future Planning, Expectations and Aspirations

Each outcome area is measured by asking teachers and staff to respond to four or five questions related to observable youth behaviors. These items have been extensively tested and found to work as a single scale that effectively captures the outcome being measured. Teacher,staff, and/or youth responses to these surveys can be completed for all participating youth or for a sample of youth in a program.

The SAYO was primarily designed as a program assessment tool and looks at changes in students linked to their program participation. The SAYO is not designed as an individual youth assessment tool.

Last Updated: March 9, 2017

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