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Statewide System of Support (SSoS)

Statewide System of Support Structure

SSoS vision: All students in the Commonwealth, especially the historically marginalized, learn in dynamic and responsive educational environments, graduate with the tools and agency and contribute as responsible members of their communities.

Since spring of 2017 SSoS has been redesigning its approach to refocus resources on the schools and districts with the greatest need, while also adjusting to reduced staffing and resources. The redesign has been grounded in the principles of equity, consistency, efficiency, quality, and building on strengths. As a result of this redesign, the former Office of District & School Turnaround (ODST) and six District and School Assistance Centers (DSACs) were combined into two regional assistance teams - Coastal and West/Central. These regions are supported by three offices that provide centralized supports for policy development, grants, professional development, networks and convenings, development of tools and resources, research and knowledge base, and identification of high-quality partners. School year 2018-19 was the first year SSoS operated with this new targeted assistance structure.

The Statewide System of Support includes the following offices:

Two regional assistance teams (West/Central and Coastal) that provide direct support to schools and districts across the Commonwealth that have been identified by the accountability system as requiring assistance or intervention. These teams facilitate the development and implementation of school turnaround plans in the identified schools and help districts leverage resources (from the regional assistance teams, SSoS centralized supports, DESE and partners) to improve student achievement. A full staff list for each region is available.

Regional System of Support (RSS) office provides centralized supports for the two regions such as staff training and professional development, project work plans, staff evaluation process, contracts, and grant processing and monitoring. Office of Effective Practices for Turnaround (OEPT) conducts research to identify best practices in turnaround and ensure these practices impact policy and are embedded into practice. This office also ensures implementation of the statutory requirements related underperforming schools, the allocation of federal school improvement grant resources to support turnaround schools, and monitoring of progress in schools implementing turnaround plans.Systems for Student Success (SfSS) office designs and delivers turnaround resources, expertise, and assistance that enhance integrated, tiered, and systemic approaches to supporting the social emotional and academic needs of all students, and especially students living in poverty. Specific offerings include high quality external partners, multi-year academies, grants, and technical assistance.

These offices closely coordinate with the Office of Strategic Transformation (OST), which is responsible for the implementation of state receivership and alternative governance models, to ensure resources and supports to all targeted schools and districts are aligned, and to share promising practices.

Last Updated: June 3, 2019

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

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