Attending to the development of students' social and emotional skills can help students, schools, and districts meet the expectations for teaching and learning that are described in the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks.
The content standards and mathematical practice standards in the recently adopted 2017 MA Curriculum Framework for Mathematics describe a vision of what it means to be a mathematically proficient person in this century. The progression of standards in the framework builds a strong foundation for students to apply their understandings and skills to solve real world problems. Students who meet the expectations of the mathematics content and practice standards not only develop conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and problem solving ability but when coupled with a rich and supportive learning environment they can also develop the ability to persevere, collaborate with others and to reason, prove, justify, and communicate with precision. The 2017 Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for Mathematics includes the following Guiding Principle to support Social and Emotional Learning:
Social and emotional learning can increase academic achievement, improve attitudes and behaviors, and reduce emotional distress. Students should practice self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills, by, for example: collaborating and learning from others and showing respect for others' ideas; applying the mathematics they know to make responsible decisions to solve problems, engaging and persisting in solving challenging problems; and learning that with effort, they can continue to improve and be successful.
In the table below are examples of intersections between the Standards for Mathematical Practice and the SEL learning Competencies1.
Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
DESE Links and Resources:
Curriculum Frameworks
10 Teaching Practices That Promote SEL
Lesson Planning for SEL
Resources for teachers of grades 6-12 mathematics
Inside Mathematics: social and emotional learning and mathematics
Center for Great Teachers and Leaders: Research to practice Brief: Teaching the Whole Child
1 Competencies from CASEL: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional learning, Social and Emotional Learning Core competencies.
Last Updated: October 6, 2017