For adolescents in recovery from a substance use disorder or dependency, attending school can often put their ability to maintain their recovery at risk. Recovery High School (RHS) programs play an important role for these students by offering them another educational option in which they can feel supported in their recovery while still working towards a high school degree.
Recovery High Schools are state-funded grant programs, as set forth in M.G.L. c. 71, § 91. RHSs are not autonomous schools or school districts; they are public programs operated by a school district or an education collaborative. Licensed school-based personnel provide a variety of services within the RHS programs to help support the individual needs of their students by developing and following an Individualized Recovery Plan while providing a comprehensive four-year high school education.
Funded Recovery High School Programs:
Any Massachusetts student, ages 14–21, who has been diagnosed with a substance use disorder or dependency can apply for admission to one of the five Recovery High School programs throughout the Commonwealth.
The admissions process for a student to attend a Recovery High School program can be initiated by any of the following:
To support students with disabilities who are attending Recovery High School programs, there is an administrative advisory entitled: Recovery High Schools and Students Eligible for Special Education. This advisory supplements the regulations related to RHS programs, 603 CMR 54.00, which were adopted by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education in February 2017.
Recovery High School Program Overview (printable)
Massachusetts Recovery High School Framework serves as guidance on program quality expectations for the implementation of Recovery High School programs in the Commonwealth.
The Recovery High School Legislative Report | Fiscal Year 2024 (January 2025)
Funding Opportunity: Pending budget appropriation, Recovery High School Programs (Fund Code 791) Fiscal Year 2025-2026 (FY26) competitive grant with two years of continuation funding (FY27 and FY28), is anticipated to be posted early spring of 2025. Please check Grants and Other Financial Assistance Programs for current grant opportunities.
For further assistance, please contact:
Samantha Graham, Substance Use Prevention & Intervention Specialist Office of Student and Family Support or (781) 338-6305
Last Updated: January 24, 2025