Student Scholarships, Awards & Special Programs

Massachusetts United States Senate Youth Program Scholarship Application Guidelines 2024-2025

Instructions: Your USSYP submission must contain the Application Form plus Parts I–VI to be considered a complete application package.

The application package is to be completed by the student, typed, or printed clearly (blue or black ink) and contain no more than two pages for the student Application Form plus four additional pages for Parts I–VI listed below (maximum 6 pages total: 2-page Application Form plus 4 pages containing Parts I–VI). Word format is preferred.

Use the headings below and organize your responses accordingly. You do not need to list everything you have accomplished; however, include all pertinent information relevant to your leadership qualities, community or public service and volunteerism.

The next six sections must be no more than four (4) additional typed pages, using a 12 font.

Part I Leadership Positions: List elected or appointed leadership positions held, grades 9–12 including your current student representative position that makes you eligible for USSYP with a description of the election or appointment process of that office. You must hold a current leadership position for the entire 2024-2025 school year to be eligible to apply.

Part II School Activities: List significant school activities (grades 9–12) which reflect leadership capability (e.g., Editor, school newspaper; Key Club, organized community food drive). Identify the group or organization (avoid abbreviations), note your role, and list your length of service.

Part III Volunteerism/Community Service: List major activities not related to school in which you have participated. Include only activities relevant to this scholarship. List the name of the activity and length of service.

Part IV Honors, Awards, Recognition: List major honors, awards, or recognition you have earned that relate to this scholarship. Include the name of the honor and the year received.

Part V Statement of Future Aspirations: Compose one paragraph about your plans and goals including post-secondary education.

Part VI: Essay: Write an essay of 400 words or less exploring as fully as possible any one of the following essay topics. Label your essay with your full name and the appropriate Essay Topic #.

  • Essay Topic #1
    Imagine that you have recently been elected as one of the youngest members of the Massachusetts legislature. What would be the first bill you would introduce? Describe the provisions of your bill and why this initiative is your top priority.

  • Essay Topic #2
    Discuss any of the most recent Supreme Court rulings for the term just completed and how you feel the rulings will affect your state.

  • Essay Topic #3
    As a student leader in Massachusetts, what do you see as the greatest areas for improvement in the education system, and what ideas would you propose to create better dialogue and understanding among various student groups?

  • Essay Topic #4
    If you became a U.S. Senator for Massachusetts, what Senate Committees would you most want to be assigned to and why. What personal qualities would you bring to the job as Senator that would benefit Massachusetts.

  • Essay Topic #5
    Discuss the work of any non-profit organization in Massachusetts that you have been involved with and describe why you think the organization's mission is important.

  • Essay Topic #6
    Choose a historical figure from Massachusetts, discuss why knowledge of this person is important for all Massachusetts residents and discuss the impact this one person has had on Massachusetts history.

  • Essay Topic #7
    Is there an important historical figure from Massachusetts that you feel has been underrepresented in high school history curriculum? Describe this figure's contribution to our nation's or Massachusetts' history and why it would be important to raise awareness about them now.

Last Updated: August 28, 2024