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Student Scholarships, Awards & Special Programs

MCAS Requirements for Scholarship Eligibility

To qualify for the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship, Massachusetts public high school students must meet the eligibility criteria presented below.

Class of 2025: Minimum MCAS Requirements for the Adams Scholarship
  • Scholarships will be granted to students whose combined score places them in the top 25% of students in their district and who also meet the MCAS score requirements shown below.
  • Scholarship eligibility is based on each student's first attempt at taking the next-generation tests. The Department will determine scholarship eligibility based on students who qualify for the scholarship with all three scores.
Score Requirements
Score at Advanced level (or equivalent) on one test:
  • ELA: Minimum of 501 (Next-Gen)
  • Math: Minimum of 504 (Next-Gen)
  • STE: Minimum of 260 (Legacy) or equivalent Next-Gen score if applicable
Score at Proficient level (or equivalent) on the remaining tests:
  • ELA: Minimum of 472 (Next-Gen)
  • Math: Minimum of 486 (Next-Gen)
  • STE: Minimum of 240 (Legacy) or equivalent Next-Gen score if applicable

Last Updated: December 16, 2024

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