Northeast Food for Schools (NFS) is a federal funding opportunity made available through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)'s Agricultural Marketing Service program entitled Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement Program . In Massachusetts, this program is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Office for Food and Nutrition Programs (FNP) in partnership with contracted partner, Massachusetts Farm to School (MFTS). The purpose of NFS is to increase the capacity for School Food Authorities (SFAs) to procure local unprocessed or minimally processed foods for service in Child Nutrition Programs. In addition to expanding the capacity for procuring/providing local foods to schools, the program seeks to strengthen local food systems and ensure all children across the Commonwealth have access to high quality local foods at school.
Northeast Food for Schools Round One (2023-2024)In the first round of NFS, Massachusetts was awarded $3.5 million which was administered to approximately 230 SFAs that opted into participating in the program during school year 2023-2024. SFAs purchased a variety of eligible unprocessed or minimally processed foods grown, raised or caught within 400 miles of their SFA and received reimbursement for these purchases by entering purchasing and product origin information into a claiming platform. All purchases were required to follow federal, state and local procurement regulations and were served in the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program.
Note: the following Northeast Food for Schools program content relates to funding available to SFAs operating the National School Lunch Program only. FNP will release more details for CACFP sponsors interested in participating in the program in the coming months.
Confirm Participation (Required):A new FY25 compliance packet component has been created in the DESE Security Portal entitled "Northeast Food for Schools Attestation." By Friday, March 28th, all eligible SFAs should:
Note: This confirmation window will be the only time to opt into NFS participation for the foreseeable future for round two of NFS. No other opt-in windows are anticipated.
All SFAs should complete the Northeast Food for Schools confirmation survey in the DESE Security Portal regardless of whether or not they would like to participate in Northeast Food for Schools.
Program Requirements:NFS is a reimbursement-based program. As a result:
Funding Awards:
Note: minimum and maximum award values are subject to change based on funding availability
When final award determinations have been completed, SFAs will receive a two-year award total, divided into two NFS award allocations by school year. An SFA's SY2025-26 NFS award allocation will be final and available to the SFA at the start of SY2025-26. An SFA's SY2026-27 NFS award allocation will be provisional; access to SY2026-27 funding is contingent upon a SFA's successful spend of SY2025-26 funding.
Failure of an SFA to successfully spend their SY2025-26 NFS award allocation may result in the sweep and reallocation of SY2025-26 funding and the forfeit of SY2026-27 provisional funding. FNP will release NFS spending benchmarks, anticipated timelines for funding sweeps, as well as priority eligibility for access to reallocated NFS funding in Fall 2025. Upon the release of final award determinations, an SFA may take action by contacting FNP to decline their final award allocation.
To support SFAs in making an informed decision around NFS participation, FNS is making the following NFS award level estimate calculation available to SFAs to help them determine their anticipated SY2025-26 NFS award allocation. FNP estimates that SFAs will receive an NFS assistance level of between $0.45 to $0.55 per lunch served in October 2024. Note: this NFS award level estimate calculation is based on projected participation. NFS final award values are subject to change.
Eligible Purchases:NFS funding may reimburse the cost of:
NFS funding may not be used to reimburse:
Purchased NFS products may be served in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program, NSLP Afterschool Snacks Program, the Summer Food Service Program and the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). Note: further guidance will be released to ensure that claims made on local purchases served in FFVP through NFS are not claimed through the FFVP claiming process — duplicate claiming of food cost is unallowable.
Technical Assistance Available:
Program Roll Out Timeline:
Next Steps:All SFAs should confirm or decline their interest in NFS participation through the Compliance Packet component entitled "Northeast Food for Schools Attestation" in the DESE Security Portal no later than Friday, March 28. Please review all NFS round two program materials, share them with your procurement and financial team and ensure you understand the requirements and benefits of NFS participation.
If you are interested in starting to develop a spending plan for your SY2025-26 NFS funds, please contact MFTS . If you have questions about the second round of NFS, please contact DESE Local Food System Specialist, Maggie Nowak .
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
Disclaimer: A reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.