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Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS)

Special Mailing — HiSET Transition to PSI Timeline

To:Program Directors
Copy:ACLS Staff, SABES Staff
From:Wyvonne Stevens-Carter, Adult Education State Director
Date:August 18, 2022

The HSE Team met with HiSET® to confirm the following cut off dates for the HiSET® / PSI transition.

Please note that there will be No HiSET® Testing available between September 24 and October 3. This includes paper-based testing at DOC/DYS and CHOCS.

Please inform your teachers, students, and advocates of these important transition dates:

  • August 12 — Last Day for new test center onboarding through ETS — computer
  • September 22 — Final Day for scheduling at ETS
  • September 23 — First day of scheduling at PSI
  • September 23 — Final Day for testing and test administration at ETS
  • October 3 — First day of testing at PSI

Please feel free to contact us with any questions

Thank you

Last Updated: August 18, 2022

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