As outlined in the Acceleration Roadmap , high-quality curricular materials, when paired with professional learning for educators, provides students with the experience to master grade-level standards. Understanding which materials districts use will support the skillful implementation of this important resource for educators across districts. As a result, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will collect from districts information about the curricular materials in use. Details about this collection are below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Craig Waterman .
We have heard from districts that it would be helpful to know which curricular materials other districts are using to:
In addition, this data will also aid DESE in providing more curriculum-specific support and resources to support skillful implementation.
The Superintendent Checklist indicated that we would be collecting this data through February 1st. Due to disruptions caused by Covid, we have extended the timeline. The new timeline is as follows:
Educators use a wide range of materials and resources with students. This collection pertains only to curricular materials used for K–8 ELA/literacy, K–12 math, and 6–8 science for the majority of instruction across all classrooms in a school or district. We will be collecting the product name and publisher, or if the materials in use are district developed. We will also collect grades where the materials are used, and if they are required to be used by teachers. Districts may also report materials that are being piloted and other supplemental materials, but this is not required.
The department developed a unique application to collect this data. This application will allow districts to enter and review the curriculum they are using at either the school or district level. The department will provide a training tool and offer office hours to support districts.
Districts need to decide who will enter this information. This individual should know the curricular materials in use by the district. They will be assigned the role of Curriculum Data Collection User. In many districts, this may be the Assistant Superintendent(s) or the Curriculum Director(s). We will ask for contact information in March when we release the application.